Friday, August 3, 2007

group dictionary


لقد أعددنا هذا القاموس الطبي لكي يستخدم من قبل طلاب كلية الطب والعلوم الطبية، ولعامة الناس. يحتوي هذا القاموس على أكثر من ألفي كلمة مع شرحها و مقابلها باللغة العربية. وقد استندنا في تعريب هذه المصطلحات أو ترجمتها إلى مراجع مختلفة. ويستفاد من هذه المصطلحات أيضا في ترجمة المقالات الطبية المتعلقة بالأمراض. و نأمل أن يكون هذا القاموس مرجعا مفيدا لكم



abarticulation مفصل
the dislocation of a joint.abasia تعذر المشي
an inability to walk for which no physical cause can be identified.
the part of the body cavity below the chest.
abductorالعضلة المبعدة
any muscle that moves one part of the body away from another or from midline of the body.
aberrant نَفَقٌ(تمر فيه أوعية وأعصاب)
abnormal: usually applied to a blood vessel or nerve that does not follow its normal course.
ablation انْفِصال
the removal of tissue, apart of the body or an abnormal growth.
absidia العَبْسِيَّة( جِنْسٌ مِنَ الفُطْرِيَّات)
a genus of fungi that sometimes cause disease in man.
abulia فقد الإرادة
absence or impairment of will power.
acalculia اللاحسابية
an acquired inability to make simple mathematical calculations.
acaricide مُبيدُ الحَلَم
any chemical agent used for destroying mites and ticks.
accident حادِثَة
a traumatic incident involving any part of the body.
accommodation تَكَيُّفٌ بالعَينَين
adjustment of the shape of the lens to change the focus of the eye.
accouchement توليد - ولادة
delivery of a baby.
acetoacetic acid حَمْضُ الأسيتو أسيتيك
an organic acid produced in large amounts by the liver under metabolic conditions associated with high rate of fatty acid oxidation.
acetone الأَسيتون
an organic compound that is an intermediate in many bacterial fermentations and is produced by fatty acid oxidation.
achylia ( فَقْدُ العُصَارَة(اللَّاعُصَارِيَّة
absence of secretion.
acidaemia حموضة الدم
abnormally high blood acidity.
acidosis حُمَاض
a condition in which the acidity of body fluids and tissues is abnormally high.
acinus عنيبة
asmall sac or cavity surrounded by the secretory cells of a gland.
acoustic سمعي
of or relating to sound or the sense of hearing.
acrania انْعِدامُ القِحْف
congenital absence of the skull. Either partial or complete . due to a developmental defect.
Actine بروتين عضلي
a protein found in a muscle that plays an important role in the process of contraction.
Adam's apple(laryngeal prominence) تفاحة ادم
a projection lying just under the skin of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx.
adenitis الْتِهابُ الغُدَّة
inflammation of a gland or group of glands.
adipocere مُوم( مادة شمعية تتكون من تفكك الجثة)
a waxy or unctuous brownish substance consisting chiefly of fatty acids and calcium soaps produced by chemical changes affecting dead body fat and muscle long buried or immersed in moisture
adipose tissue نَسيجٌ شَحْمِيّ
connective tissue in which fat is stored and which has the cells distended by droplets of fat
aditus مَدْخَل
a passage or opening for entrance
adjuvant مادة مساعدة
one that helps or facilitates: as a substance enhancing the immune response to an antigen
adnexa. مُلْحَقات تشريح
conjoined, subordinate, or associated anatomic parts the uterine adnexa include the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
ADP مختصرثُنائِيُّ فسفات الأدينوزين
a nucleotide C10H15N5O10P2 composed of adenosine and two phosphate groups that is formed in living cells as an intermediate between ATP and AMP and that is reversibly converted to ATP for the storing of energy by the addition of a high-energy phosphate group.
Adrenoleukodystrophy حَثَلُ الكُظْر وبَيْضَاءِ الدِّمَاغ
rare demyelinating disease of the central nervous system that is inherited as an X-linked recessive trait chiefly affecting males in childhood and that is characterized by progressive blindness, deafness, tonic spasms, and mental deterioration.
adrenolytic محصر الأدرينالين
blocking the release or action of adrenaline at nerve endings
advancement تقديم
detachment of a muscle or tendon from its insertion and reattachment (as in the surgical correction of strabismus) at a more advanced point from its insertion.
adventitia الغِلالَةُ البَرَّانِيَّة تشريح
the outer layer that makes up a tubular organ or structure and especially a blood vessel, is composed of collagenous and elastic fibers, and is not covered with peritoneum -- called also tunica adventitia.
aerobe حَيَوائِيّ حَيٌّ هَوَائيّ مُعْتَاشٌ بالأكسجين
an organism (as a bacterium) that lives only in the presence of oxygen
aerodontalgia أَلَمُ الأَسْنانِ الطَّيَرَانيّ
toothache resulting from atmospheric decompression (as in high-altitude flying or confinement in decompression chambers).
aeroneurosis عُصابُ الطَّيَّارين
a functional nervous disorder of flight personnel that is caused by emotional stress and characterized by physical symptoms (as restlessness, abdominal pains, and diarrhea)
aerophagia بَلْعُ الهَواء
the swallowing of air especially in hysteria.
aerosol ضَبُوب ج:ضَبائِب
a suspension of fine solid or liquid particles in gas .Afferent عَصَبٌ وارِد
conveying impulses toward the central nervous system.
aflatoxin أَفْلاتُوكْسين(مُستَقْلَبات فُطْرِيَّةٌ سامَّةٌ ومُسَرْطِنَةٌ لِلْكَبِد)
any of several carcinogenic mycotoxins that are produced especially in stored agricultural crops (as peanuts) by molds (as Aspergillus flavus).
afterbirth الخَلاص توليد
the placenta and fetal membranes that are expelled after delivery -- called also secundines.
afterpain. خَوَالِفُ(طَلْقٌ تِلْوِيّ)
pains that follow the termination of labor and are associated with contraction of the uterus toward its nonpregnant size.
Agenesis عَدَمُ التَخَلُّق لَاتكَوُّن
lack or failure of development (as of a body part).
agnathia. انعدام الفك
the congenital complete or partial absence of one or both jaws.
agnosia عَمَه(العَجْزُ عن إدراك مُنَبِّهٍ حِسِّيّ)
loss or diminution of the ability to recognize familiar objects or stimuli usually as a result of brain damage.
ainhum الأَينوم(انحلال الأصابع التلقائي)
tropical disease of unknown cause that results in increasing fibrous constriction and ultimately in spontaneous amputation of the toes and especially the little toes.
air embolism انْصِمامٌ هَوائِيّ
obstruction of the circulation by air that has gained entrance to veins usually through wounds.
akinesia تَعَذُّرُ الحَرَكَة
loss or impairment of voluntary activity (as of a muscle).
alastrim نَبْخ( الجُدَرِيُّ الصَّغير)
a mild form of smallpox of low mortality .
albino أمهق
an organism exhibiting deficient pigmentation; especially : a human being who is congenitally deficient in pigment and usually has a milky or translucent skin, white or colorless hair, and eyes with pink or blue iris and deep-red pupil.
albumin أَلْبُومين كيمياء
any of numerous simple heat-coagulable water-soluble proteins that occur in blood plasma or serum, muscle, the whites of eggs, milk, and other animal substances and in many plant tissues and fluid.
aldosterone أَلْدوستيرون هرمون
a steroid hormone C21H28O5 of the adrenal cortex that functions in the regulation of the salt and water balance of the body .
alexia تَعَذُّر القِرَاءَة اللَّاقِرَائِيَّة
aphasia characterized by loss of ability to read .
algid صاقِع
marked by prostration, cold and clammy skin, and low blood pressure.

A genus of parasitic sporozoans of the family Babesiidae that infect the red blood cells of
babesiosis. داء البابسيات
A human protozoan disease of the red blood cells caused by infection with a species of Babesia.
baby رضيع
A very young child; an enfant.
baccate عنبي الشكل
Resembling a berry in texture of form; berrylike.
bacillary عصوي
Shaped like a rod.
bacilliform عصوي الشكل
Having a rod-like shape.
bacillosis داء العصيات
An infection caused by bacilli.
backache وجع الظهر
Discomfort or a pain in the region of the back.
bacterial virus فيروس جرثومي A virus that injects its genome into a host bacteria.
bacterid طفحة جرثومية
A recurrent or persistent eruption of pustules on the palms and soles.
bacterin طفحة جرثومية
A suspension of killed or weakened bacteria used as a vaccine.
bacteriocidinمبيدة جرثومية
An antibody capable of destroying bacteria.
bacteriologyعلم الجراثيم والجرثوميات
The study of bacteria.
bacteriolysisانحلال الجراثيم
Dissolution or destruction of bacteria.
bacteriostat كابح الجراثيم
An agent, such as a chemical that inhibits bacterial growth.
bacterium جرثومة
Any of the unicellular, prokaryotic microorganisms of the class Schizomycetes.
bacteriuria بيئة جرثومية
The presence of bacteria in urine.
balance توازن
A steady position in which weight is evenly spread
balanced diet نظام غذائي متوازن
A diet that furnishes in proper proportion.
balanic الحشفة
Of or relating to the glans penis.
baldness صلع
The lack of all or a significant part of the hair on the head.
ball thrombus خنثرة كروية
An antemortrm thrombus sometimes found in the left atrium in mitral stenosis.
balm بلسم
An aromatic salve or oil.
bamboo hair تقصف الشعر
Hair have nodules along the shaft.
bandage عصابة
A strip of material such as gauze use to protect wound.
bar بار (وحدة الضغط)
The international unit of pressure.
barber's itch حكة الحلاقة
Any of various skin eruptions on the face and neck.
barbital باربيتال أدوية
A white crystalline barbiturate used as sedative.
barbiturism تسمم باربيتوري
Chronic poisoning caused by any of the derivatives of barbituric acid.
barbotage بقبقة
The production of spinal anesthesia.
baresthesiometerمقياس حس الضغط
An instrument for measuring an individual's sense of pressure.
bariatrics طب السمنة
The branch of medicine that deals with causes, prevention and treatment of obesity.
barium الباريوم
Symbol Ba, a soft alka-line-earth used to deoxidize copper.
barostat مثبت الضغط
A pressure-regulating device or structure such as a baroreceptor.
barr body جسم بار (كروماتين جنسي)
The condensed, single X-chromosome found in the nuclei cells of female mammals.
barren عقيم
Not producing offspring.
barrier حائل
A structure such as a fence, built to bar passage. A boundary or limit.
Bartonella البرتونيلة
A genus of bacteria found in humans that multiply in red blood cells.
bartonellosis داء البرتونيلات
A disease caused by Bartonella bacilliformis.
basad متجه نحو القاعدة
Having a direction towards the of an object.
base أساس
The part of an organ nearest its point of attachment.
base of the skull قاعدة الجمجمة
The interior aspect of the skull, on which the brain rests.
baseplate صفيحة قاعدية
The portion of an artificial denture in contact with the jaw.
basic أساسي
Being or serving as starting point or basis.
Located at or near the base, especially the base of the skull.
basilar meningitis ألياف قاعدية
Meningitis at the base of the brain.
basion قويعدة
The middle point on the anterior margin of the great foramen opposite the position.
bath حمام
The act of soaking or cleansing the body or any of its parts, as in water.
bathophobia رهبة الأعماق
An abnormal fear of depth.
batophobai رهبة الشواهق
Ann abnormal fear of being near an object of great height, such as mountain.
battered child syndrome تناذر الطفل المعنت
A combination of continuing, often serious physical injuries, such as bruisers on a child through abuse usually by parents.
beaded محبب، مخرز
Having numerous small rounded projections often in a raw.
bearing down الثقل في الحوض
Forceful contraction of the abdominal muscles during the second stage of labor, either as reflex or as a conscious effort.
bed سرير
A piece of furniture for reclining and sleeping.
bedbug بق الفراش
A wingless, odorous insect with flat, reddish that infests bedding and feeds on human body.
bedpan قصرية
A metal, glass or plastic receptacle for the urinary and fecal dischargers of persons.
behavior سلوك
The actions or reactions of persons or things in response to external or internal stimuli.
behaviorism سلوكية
A school of psychology that confines itself to the study of observable and quantifiable aspects of behavior.
bel بل(وحدة شدة الضوء)
A unit expressing the relative intensity of a sound, equal to ten decibels.
belch يتجشأ
To expel stomach gas noisily through the mouth; burp.
belly بطن
The stomach.
belonephobia رهبة الإبر
An abnormal fear of sharply pointed objects, especially needles.
bend يحني
To incline the body; stoop.
benign حميد
Of no danger to health, especially relating to a tumorous growth.
benign tumor ورم حميد
A tumor that does not invade and destroy adjacent normal tissue.
benzoate ملح حامض البنزويك
A salt or ester of benzoic acid.
beriberi مرض البري بري
A disease caused by a deficiency of thiamine, in eastern and southern Asia.
beryllium البريليوم

Symbol Be, a lightweight, corrosion resistant metallic element used as an aerospace
structure material.
bestiality وحشية
The quality or condition of being an animal or like an animal.
betacism بأبأة
A defect in speech in which the sound b is given to other consonants.
biarticular ثنائي المفصل
Relating to two joints; diarthric.
bicameral ذو حجرتين
Composed of or having two champers.
bicapsular ذو محفظتين
Having double capsules.
biceps ذات الرأسين
A muscle with two heads or points of origin.
bicornuate ذو قرنين
Having two horns or horn-shaped parts.
bidactyly ثنائي الأصابع
Congenital absence of all fingers or toes except the first and fifth digits.
bifid منشطر
Split into tow parts.
bifocal ذو بؤرتين
Having two focal lengths.
bifurcate متشعب
To divide into two parts or branches.
bigeminal مزدوج، توأم
Occurring in pairs; doubled or twined.
bilateral ذو جانبين
Having or formed of two sides.
bile المرة
A bitter, brownish-yellow or greenish-yellow fluid that secreted by the liver.
biliary صفراوي
Of or relating to bile, the bile ducts.
biligenesis تولد الصفراء
The production of bile.
biliuria بول صفراوي
The presence of various bile salts, or bile, in the urine.
bilobate ذو فصين
Divided into or having two lobes.
bimanual باليدين
Using or required the use of both hands.
binary ثنائي
Characterized by or consisting of two parts or components.
binder عصابة
A broad bandage, especially one encircling the abdomen.
binominal ثنائي الاسمين
Consisting of two terms or names.
binuclear ذو نواتين
Having two nuclei.
biochemistry الكيمياء الحيوية
The study of the chemical substance and vital process occurring in living organism.
biodegradable يتحلل بالبكتيرية
Capable of being decomposed by biological agents, especially bacteria.
biogenesis النشوء الإحيائي
The principle that life originates from preexisting life and not from nonliving material.
biologic إحيائي
A preparation, such as a drug, vaccine or antitoxin.
biology علم الأحياء
The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function and origin.
biolysis انحلال الحياة
The death of living organism or tissue caused by lysis.
bionics الالكترونيات الحيوية
The science of biological functions and mechanism as to analogous to electrnics.
biopsy فحص العينة الحية
The examination of a sample of tissue from a living body for diagnostic purpose.
biota الكائنات الحية
The flora and fauna of a region.
biotic حيوي
Relating to life or living organism.
biotype طراز أحيائي
A population or group of individuals having the same genotype.
bipolar ذو قطبين
Having two poles; used especially of nerve cells in which the branches project from two usually opposite points.
birth ولادة
The emergence and separation of offspring from the body of the mother.
bisexual ثنائي الجنس
Relating to both sexes.
bisferious ذو ضربتين
Striking twice.
bistoury مشرط
A long, narrow-bladed knife used for opening abscesses.
bite يعض
To cut, grip, or tear with the teeth.
biuret باييورت(مادة من البيلة)
A derivative of urea obtained by heating.
bivalent ثنائي التكافؤ
Having a valence of two.
bladder مثانة
Any of various distensible membranous sacs, such as, urinary bladder.
blastomere قطعة ارومية
One of the cells that are produced during cleavage of a zygote and that form the morula.
blastula أريمة
An early embryonic form produced by cleavage of a fertilized ovum.
bleb فقاعة
A large flaccid vesicle.
blemish لطخة
A small circumscribed alteration of the skin.
blennoid نظير المخاط
Resembling mucus; muciform.
blennuria بول مخاطي
The presence of mucus in the urine.
blepharitis التهاب الجفن
Inflammation of the eyelids.
bleharoplasty تقويم الجفن
Plastic surgery of the eyelids.
blind أعمى
Unable to see; without useful sight.
blister نفطة
A local swelling of the skin that contains watery fluid and it is caused by burning.
block حصر
Interruption, especially obstruction, of a normal physiological function.
blood دم
The fluid consisting of plasma, red blood cells and white red cells.
body جسد
The entire material or physical structure of an organism, especially of a human.
bolus لقمة
A round mass.
bone عظم
The dense, semirigid, porous, calcified connective tissue forming the major portion of the skeleton of most vertebrates.
booster معزز
An additional dose of an immunizing agent, such as vaccine.
borate ملح حامض البوريك
A salt or an ester of boric acid.
borax البورق
Sodium borate.
borborygmus قرقرة الأمعاء
A rumbling noise produced by the movement of gas through the intestines.
border حافة
The part of a surface that forms its outer boundary or edge.
boss حدبة
A circumscribed rounded swelling; a protuberance.
bosselated ذو عقد
Marked by numerous bosses.
botryoid عنقوداني
Having numerous rounded protuberances resembling a bunch of grapes.
botulism التسمم الوشيقي
A serve, sometimes fatal food poisoning caused by a ingestion of a toxin.
bougie شمعة
A cylindrical instrument, usually somewhat flexible used for calibrating constricted areas.
bouton برعم
A button, pustule, or knoblike swelling.
bovine بقري
Relating to, or resembling a ruminant of the genus.
bowel معي
The intestine.
brachial عضدي
Relating to the arm.
brachiocubital عضدي ساعدي
Relating to the arm and the elbow.
brachy قصير
brachydactyly قصر الاصابع
Abnormal shortness of the fingers.
brachygnathia قصر الفك
Abnormal shortness or recession of the mandible.
bradyarthria بطء التلفظ
A form of dysarthria characterized by abnormal slowness in speech.
bradyesthesia ضعف الإدراك
Retardation in the rate of transmission of sensory impression.
bradylexia بطء القراءة
Abnormal slowness in reading.
bradysphygmia بطء النبض
Slowness of the pulse.
brain الدماغ
The portion of the central nervous system that is enclosed within the cranium, continuous with the spinal cord.
branch فرع
An offshoot or a division of the main portion of a structure.
breast ثدي
Two milk-secreting, glandular organs on the chest of a woman.
breath نفس
The air inhaled and exhaled in respiration.
breech المقعد
The lower rear portion of the human trunk; the buttocks.
bridge جسر
An anatomical structure resembling a bridge or span.
brim حافة
The rim of the upper opening of the pelvis.
broach مبزل
A dental instrument for removing the pulp of a tooth or exploring its canal.
bromate ملح حامض البروم
A salt of bromic acid.
bronchial قصبي
Relating to the bronchi; the bronchial tubes.
bronchiolitis التهاب الشعبيات
Inflammation of the bronchioles.
bronchus قصبة هوائية
Either of two main branches of the trachea, leading to the lungs.
bruise كدمة
An injury to underlying tissues or bone in which the skin is unbroken.
bruit حفيف
A sound, especially an abnormal one.
bruxism صرير الأسنان
The habitual involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth.
bucca الخد
The cheek.
bug حشرة
An insect or similar organism such as, an earwig.
bulb النخاع المستطيل
A globular or fusiform anatomical structure.
bulboid بصلاني
bulimia النهام
A chronic eating disorder involving repeated and secretive episodes of eating.
bundle حزمة
A structure composed of a group of fibers.
burn يحرق
To undergo or cause to undergo combustion.
bursa جراب
A sac or saclike bodily cavity.
bursitis التهاب الجراب
Inflammation of a bursa, especially in the shoulders and elbow.
butter زبدة
A soft yellowish or whitish emulsion of butterfat, water, air and sometimes salt churned from milk.
buton حبة
A knob-like structure, device or lesion.
butyrate ملح حامض البتريك
A salt or ester of butyric acid.
butyroid نظير الزبدة
Resembling or having the consistency of butter.


بُرْشانَة أدويةcachet
a medicinal preparation for swallowing consisting of a case usually of
rice-flour paste containing an unpleasant-tasting medicine.
دَنَف cachexia
general physical wasting and malnutrition usually associated with chronic disease.
اسْتِكْراهُ الرَّائِحَة cacosmia
a hallucination of a disagreeable odor.
a bluish white malleable ductile toxic bivalent metallic element used especially in protective platings and in bearing metals -- symbol Cd
الأعور caecum
a cavity open at one end (as the blind end of a duct).
a bitter alkaloid C8H10N4O2 found especially in coffee, tea, and kola nuts and used medicinally as a stimulant and diuretic.
كالامين (دَواءٌ جِلْدِيّ) calamine
mixture of zinc oxide or zinc carbonate with a small amount of ferric oxide that is used in lotions, liniments, and ointments.
العقبي (عظم العقب)calcaneus (heel bone)
a tarsal bone that in humans is the large bone of the heel -- called also heel bone, os calcis
مهماز calcar
a spurred anatomical prominence
the deposition of calcium salt tissue.
silver-white bivalent metallic element that is an alkaline earth metal, occurs only in combination, and is an essential constituent of most plants and animals.
حَصاة calculus
a concretion on teeth
مُعَيِّر calibrator
to determine, rectify, or mark the graduations of (as a thermometer tube)
فرجارcalliper (caliper)
an instrument with two prongs or jaws, used for measuring diameters.
ثفن callosity ( callus)
a hard thick area of skin occurring in parts of the body subject to pressureor friction.
bodily heat that is a sign of inflammation.
سَرَطان cancer
a malignant tumor of potentially unlimited growth that expands locally by invasion and systemically by metastasis.
كَلْبِيٌّ(في تصنيف الحيوان) canine
conical pointed tooth ; especially : one situated between the lateral incisor and the first premolar.
small tube for insertion into a body cavity, duct, or vessel.
a bitter crystalline compound C10H12O4 that is the active blister-producing ingredient of cantharides.
either of the angles formed by the meeting of the upper and lower eyelids.
قَلَنْسُوَة cap
a covering or cover-like part.
رَأْسِيُّ الشَّكْل capitate
abruptly enlarged and globular
رُؤَيس capitulum
the small rounded end of a bone that articulates with another bone.

to cover (a diseased or exposed part of a tooth) with a protective substance
كَبْسولَة(مستحضر دوائي) capsule
a membrane or saclike structure enclosing a part or organ .
إلتهاب المحفظةcapsulitis
inflammation of a capsule.
بضع المحفظةcapsulotomy
incision of a capsule especially of the crystalline lens.
كابْتُوبْرِيل( دَواءٌ خافِضٌ لِضَغْطِ الدَمِ) captopril
an antihypertensive drug C9H15NO3S that is an ACE inhibitor.
كرباكول carbachol
a synthetic parasympathomimetic drug C6H15ClN2O2 that is used in veterinary medicine and topically to treat glaucoma
كَرْباريل(مُبيدٌ لِلحَشَراتِ والطُّفَيلِيَّات) carbaryl
a drug administered in the form of a lotion or shampoo to kill head and public lice.
كَرْبَنيسِيلِّين(مُضادٌّ حَيَوِيّ)carbenicillin
a synthetic penicillin: an antibiotic that is effective against a wide range of bacterial infection.
اخْتِبارُ الكَربوهيدرات carbohydrate
any of various neutral compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (as sugars, starches, and celluloses) most of which are formed by green plants and which constitute a major class of animal foods.
ثُنائِيُّ أُكْسيدِ الكَرْبُون carbon dioxide
a heavy colorless gas CO2 that does not support combustion, dissolves in water to form carbonic acid, is formed especially in animal respiration and in the decay or combustion of animal and vegetable matter, is absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis, and is used in the carbonation of beverages.
أُكْسيدِ الكَرْبُون carbon monoxide
a colorless odorless very toxic gas CO that burns to carbon dioxide with a blue flame and is formed as a product of the incomplete combustion of carbon.
كاربوبلاتين carboplatin
a derivative of platinum that it used in the treatment of certain types of cancer.
كَرْبُوكِسيلاَز إنزيم carboxylase
an enzyme that catalyzes decarboxylation or carboxylation.
الجمرة carbuncle
a painful local purulent inflammation of the skin and deeper tissues with multiple openings for the discharge of pus and usually necrosis and sloughing of dead tissue.
مُسَرْطِن مسبب للسرطان carcinogen
a substance or agent causing cancer.
التَّسَرْطُن carcinogenesis
the production of cancer.
غرن سرطانويcarcinosarcoma
malignant tumor combining elements of carcinoma and sarcoma.
the heart.
فُؤادِيّ cardiac
of or relating to the cardia of the stomach.
طب القلب cardiology
the study of the heart and its action and diseases.
شَلَلُ القَلْبِcardioplegia
temporary cardiac arrest induced (as by drugs) during heart surgery.
a progressive destruction of bone or tooth; especially : tooth decay.
any of various keel-shaped anatomical structures, ridges, or processes.
producing or promoting the development of tooth decay .
طارد الارياح carminative
expelling gas from the stomach or intestines so as to relieve flatulence or abdominal pain or distension.
كاروتين ( مادة في الجزر)carotene
any of several orange or red crystalline hydrocarbon pigments (as C40H56) that occur in the chromoplasts of plants and in the fatty tissues of plant-eating animals and are convertible to vitamin A.
النَّفَقُ الرُّسُغِيّcarpal tunnel
a passage between the flexor retinaculum of the hand and the carpal bones that is sometimes a site of compression of the median nerve.
رسغ carpus
the joint or the region of the joint between the human hand and the arm or a corresponding part on a lower animal.
a substance (as a catalyst) by whose agency some element or group is transferred from one compound to another
لُحَيمَةٌ دَمْعِيَّة caruncle
a small fleshy growth; specifically : a reddish growth situated at the urethral meatus in women and causing pain and bleeding
تَجَبُّن caseation
necrosis with conversion of damaged tissue into a soft cheesy substance.
كازين ( بروتين في اللبن)casein
a milk protein.
cast a mass of plastic matter formed in cavities of diseased organs (as the kidneys) and discharged from the body.
اِسْتِئْصَالُ الغُدَدِِ التَّنَاسُليَّةِ خِصاءcastration
Removal of the sex glands.
تقويض catabolism
destructive metabolism involving the release of energy and resulting in the breakdown of complex materials within the organism
الجُمْدَة طب نفسيcatalepsy
a condition of suspended animation and loss of voluntary motion associated with hysteria and schizophrenia in humans and with organic nervous disease in animals.
حَفَّاز catalyst
a substance (as an enzyme) that enables a chemical reaction to proceed under different conditions than otherwise possible.
تَدَنٍّ(تَدَنِّي) cataplasia
reversion of cells or tissues to a more embryonic condition.
وَنَىً اِنْفِعالِيّctaplexy
a sudden loss of muscle control with retention of clear consciousness that follows a strong emotional stimulus and is a characteristic symptom of narcolepsy.
a clouding of the lens of the eye or its surrounding transparent membrane that obstructs the passage of light.
inflammation of a mucous membrane in humans or animals; especially : one chronically affecting the human nose and air passages.
جامود(شكل من الفصام)catatonia
a state in which a person becomes mute or stuporous or adopts bizarre postures.
مِنْطَقَةُ الخِدْمَةِ الطِّبِّيَّةcatchment area
the geographical area served by an institution.
خَيطٌ جِراحِيٌّ قُصَّابَة( قابِلٌ لللامْتِصاص)catgut
a tough cord made usually from sheep intestines and used especially for sutures in closing wounds.
تَنْفِيْسُ( عن العواطف)catharsis
elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression.
كاتِيبْسين( إنزيم حال للخلايا)cathepsin
any of several intracellular proteases of animal tissue that aid in autolysis in some diseased conditions and after death.
قنطار catheter
a tubular medical device for insertion into canals, vessels, passageways, or body cavities for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
قنطرة catheterization
the use of or insertion of a catheter.
the ion in an electrolyzed solution that migrates to the cathode.
ذنب cauda
a taillike appendage : tall
ذنبي cadual
relating to the lower part or tail end of the body.
سَلَى الرَّأْسِ caul
the inner embryonic membrane of higher vertebrates especially when covering the head at birth.
عامل مسبب casual agent
a factor associated with the definitive onset of an illness.
حراق causalgia
a constant usually burning pain resulting from injury to a peripheral nerve.
كاوي caustic
capable of destroying or eating away organic tissue and especially animal tissue by chemical action.
يَكْوي cauterize
to sear with a cautery or caustic.
مُتَلاَزِمَةُ الجَيبِ الكَهْفِيcavernous sinus
either of a pair of large venous sinuses situated in a groove at the side of the body of the sphenoid bone in the cranial cavity and opening behind into the petrosal sinuses.
حُفْرَة أسنان cavity
an area of decay in a tooth.
سيفاكلُور(مُضادٌّ حَيَوِيّ)cefaclor
a cephalosporin antibiotic used in the treatment of otitis media.
a small usually microscopic mass of protoplasm bounded externally by a semipermeable membrane, usually including one or more nuclei and various nonliving products.
جِسْمُ الخَلِيَّة cell body
the nucleus-containing central part of a neuron exclusive of its axons and dendrites that is the major structural element of the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord, the ganglia, and the retina.
الانْقِسامُ الخَلَوِيُّ cell division
the process by which cells multiply involving both nuclear and cytoplasmic division.
الْتِهابُ الهَلَل(الْتِهاب النسيج الضام) cellulites
diffuse and especially subcutaneous inflammation of connective tissue.
سِلُّولُوز(مركب كربوهيدراتي نباتي)cellulose
a polysaccharide (C6H10O5)x of glucose units that constitutes the chief part of the cell walls of plants.
a binding element or agency.
خلية ملاطية cementocyte
a cell found in cementum
وَرَمٌ مِلاَطِيّcementoma
a benign overgrowth of cementum
a specialized bony layer of connective tissue covering the dentin of the part of a tooth normally within the gum.
رقيب censor
a person who supervises conduct and morals.
a machine using centrifugal force for separating substances of different densities, for removing moisture, or for simulating gravitational effects.
مُرَيكِز centriole
one of a pair of cellular organelles that occur especially in animals, are adjacent to the nucleus, function in the formation of the spindle apparatus during cell division.
passing inward (as from a sense organ to the brain or spinal cord).
القُسَيمُ المَرْكَزِيّcentromere
the point or region on a chromosome to which the spindle attaches during mitosis and meiosis.
الجُسَيمُ المَرْكَزِيُّ centrosome
the centriole-containing region of clear cytoplasm adjacent to the cell nucleus.
الكُرَةُ المَرْكَزِيَّة centrosphere
the differentiated layer of cytoplasm surrounding the centriole within the centrosome.
مركز وتري centrum
The center especially of an anatomical part.
رَأْسِيَّا(باتجاه الرأس) cephalad
toward the head or anterior end of the body.
سيفالِيكْسِين(مُضادٌّ حَيَوِيّ)cephalexin
a semisynthetic cephalosporin C16H17N3O4S with a spectrum of antibiotic activity similar to the penicillins that is often administered in the form of its hydrochloride C16H17N3O4S·HCl.
رأسي cephalic
of or relating to the head.
مَنْسَبُ الرَّأْس cephalic index
the ratio multiplied by 100 of the maximum breadth of the head to its maximum length.
تَحْويلُ الرَّأْس cephalic version
A procedure for turning a fetus that is lying in a breech so that its head will enter the birth canal first.
قياس الرأس cephalometry
the science of measuring the head in living individuals.
سيفالوسْبورين(مُضادٌّ حَيَوِيّ)cephalosporin
any of several beta-lactam antibiotics produced by an imperfect fungus of the genus Acremonium or made semisynthetically.
a usually tadpole-shaped larval trematode worm that develops in a molluscan host from a redia.
a large dorsally projecting part of the brain concerned especially with the coordination of muscles and the maintenance of bodily equilibrium, situated between the brain stem and the back of the cerebrum and formed in humans of two lateral lobes and a median lobe.
قِشْرَةُ المُخ cerebral cortex
the convoluted surface layer of gray matter of the cerebrum that functions chiefly in coordination of sensory and motor information.
شَلَلٌ دِماغيٌٌّّ وِنائِيّcerebral palsy
a disability resulting from damage to the brain before, during, or shortly after birth and outwardly manifested by muscular incoordination and speech disturbances.
to use the mind.
سيرِيبْرُوزيد كيمياءcerebroside
any of various lipids composed of ceramide and a monosaccharide and found especially in the myelin sheath of nerves.
الدِّمَاغ cerebrum
an enlarged anterior or upper part of the brain.
عُنُقِي ّcervical
of or relating to a neck or cervix .
التهاب العنق cervicitis
inflammation of the uterine cervix.
neck ; especially : the back part of the neck.
سِيتْريميد( مطهر) cetrimide
a mixture of bromides of ammonium used especially as a detergent and antiseptic.
نوع لمُطَهِّرٌ مَوضِعِيّ cetylpyridinium
a white powder consisting of a hydrated quaternary ammonium salt C21H38ClN·H2O and used as a cationic detergent and antiseptic.
بَرَدَة(كِيْسٌ فِي الجَفْن)chalazion
a small circumscribed tumor of the eyelid formed by retention of secretions of the meibomian gland and sometimes accompanied by inflammation.
a primary sore or ulcer at the site of entry of a pathogen (as in tularemia); especially : the initial lesion of syphilis.
اعْتِلاَلٌ مَفْصِلِيٌّ عَصَبِيُّ المَنْشأcharcot's joint
a destructive condition affecting one or more joints, occurring in diseases of the spinal cord, and ultimately resulting in a flail joint.
a sheet giving information especially in tabular form; especially : a record of medical information for a patient.
تشقق الشفةcheilosis
an abnormal condition of the lips characterized by scaling of the surface and by the formation of fissures in the corners of the mouth.
تَنَفُّطُ اليَد cheiropompholyx
a skin disease characterized by itching vesicles or blebs occurring in groups on the hands or feet.
عَامِلٌ خَالِب chelating agent
مُسْتَقْبِلَةٌ كِيمْيائِيَّة chemoreceptor
a sense organ (as a taste bud) responding to chemical stimuli.
وَذَمَةُ المُلْتَحِمَةchemosis
swelling of the conjunctival tissue around the cornea.
انجذاب كيميائي chemotaxis
orientation or movement of an organism or cell in relation to chemical agents.
معالجة كيمائية chemotherapy
the use of chemical agents in the treatment or control of disease or mental disorder.
an anatomical intersection or decussation.
A mild highly infectious disease caused by herpesvirus that is transmitted by airborne droplets.
طِبُّ الأقْدامchiropody
the medical care and treatment of the human foot.
المُعالَجَةُ اليَدَوِيَّةُ المُياداةchiropractic
a system of therapy which holds that disease results from a lack of normal nerve function and which employs manipulation and specific adjustment of body structures.
جِنْسٌ مِنَ الجَراثيم السَّلبية الغرامchlamydia
an infection or disease caused by chlamydiae.
irregular brownish or blackish spots especially on the face that occur sometimes in pregnancy and in disorders of or functional changes in the uterus and ovaries.

عُدٌّ كلورِيُّ المَنْشَأ chloracne
a skin eruption resembling acne and resulting from exposure to chlorine or its compounds.
هيدْراتُ الكلورالchoral hydrate
a sedative and hypnotie drug used.
دَواءٌ مُضادٌّ لِلأَورامchlorambucil
an anticancer drug C14H19Cl2NO2 that is a derivative of nitrogen mustard and is used especially to treat leukemias, multiple myeloma, some lymphomas, and Hodgkin's disease.
كلوروبوتانول chlorbutol
a white crystalline alcohol C4H7Cl3O with an odor and taste like camphor that is used as a local anesthetic, sedative, and preservative.
دَواءُ مُهَدِّىءchlordiazepoxide
a benzodiazepine that is structurally and pharmacologically related to diazepam and is used in the form of its hydrochloride C16H14ClN3O·HCl especially as a tranquilizer and to treat the withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism.
دَواءٌ مُضادٌّ لِلجَراثيم chlorhexidine
an antibacterial compound C22H30Cl2N10 that is a biguanide derivative used as a local antiseptic and disinfectant especially in the form of its hydrochloride, gluconate, or acetate.
إضافة الكلور لتنقية المياه chlorination
to treat or cause to combine with chlorine or a chlorine compound.
كلور chlorine
a halogen element that is isolated as a heavy greenish yellow gas of pungent odor and is used especially as a bleach, oxidizing agent, and disinfectant in water purification.
كلوروفورم chloroform
a colorless volatile heavy toxic liquid CHCl3 with an ether odor used especially as a solvent.
خضروم (ورم أخضر )chloroma
a leukemic condition marked by the formation of usually green-colored tumors composed of myeloid tissue.
يخضور (كلوروفيل) chlorophyll
a waxy green chlorophyll-containing substance extracted from green plants and used as a coloring agent or deodorant.
اخْضِرارُ الرُّؤْيَةchloropsia
a visual defect in which all objects appear green.
an antimalarial drug administered in the form of its diphosphate C18H26ClN3·2H3PO4 or hydrochloride C18H26ClN3·HCl.
كلُوروثيازِيد(دواء مدر للبول)chlorothiazide
a thiazide diuretic C7H6ClN3O4S2 that is taken orally or is administered in the form of its sodium salt C7H5ClN3NaO4S2 by intravenous injection especially in the treatment of edema and hypertension
كلُورُوزاِيلِينُول( مُطَهِّرٌ لِلجِلْد) chloroxylenol
any of several chlorine derivatives of the xylenols; especially : the para derivative C8H9ClO used as an antiseptic and germicide.
chlorphenesin كلُورُوفِينيزين(مُضادٌّ لِلجَراثيمِ والفُطْرِيَّاتِ السَّوائِط)
a compound active against bacteria and fungi.
chlorpheniramine كلُورفيِنِيرامين ( دَواءٌ مُضادٌّ لِلتَّحَسُّس)
an antihistamine that is usually administered in the form of its maleate C16H19ClN2·C4H4O4.
chlorpromazine كلُوربرُومازين(دَواءٌ مُضادٌ لِلقَيءِ وَمُهَدِّىء)
a phenothiazine derivative that has antipsychotic, sedative, and antiemetic properties and is used in the form of its hydrochloride C17H19ClN2S·HCl especially to manage the symptoms of psychotic disorders.
chlorpropamide كلُورْبرُوباميد(دَواءٌ خافِضٌ لِلسُكَّر)
a sulfonylurea drug C10H13ClN2O3S used orally to reduce blood sugar in the treatment of mild diabetes.
chlortetracycline كلُورتِتْراسِكْلين(مُضادٌ حَيَوِيّ)
a yellow crystalline broad-spectrum antibiotic C22H23ClN2O8 produced by a soil actinomycete of the genus.
كلُورتاليدُون(دَواءٌ مُدِرٌ لِلبَول)chlorthalidone
a diuretic used to treat fluid retention and high blood pressure.
مَنْعَر( قِمْعُ الأَنْف) choana
either of the pair of posterior apertures of the nasal cavity that open into the nasopharynx.
مدر الصفراءcholagogue
an agent that promotes an increased flow of bile.
تصوير الأوعية الصفراويةcholangiography
radiographic visualization of the bile ducts after ingestion or injection of a radiopaque substance.
التهاب الأوعية الصفراويةcholangitis
inflammation of one or more bile ducts.
استئصال المرارة cholecystectomy
surgical excision of the gallbladder.
الْتِهابُ المَرارَة cholecystitis
inflammation of the gallbladder.
تصوير المرارةcholecystography
the radiographic visualization of the gallbladder after ingestion or injection of a radiopaque substance.
cholecystokinin كُولِيسِيسْتوكِينين(هرمون ببتيدي)
a hormone secreted especially by the duodenal mucosa that regulates the emptying of the gallbladder and secretion of enzymes by the pancreas and that has been found in the brain.
فَتْحُ المَرارَةcholecystotomy
surgical incision of the gallbladder especially for exploration or to remove a gallstone.
بَضْعُ قَناةِ الصَّفْراء choledochotomy
surgical incision of the common bile duct.

كُوليرا cholera
any of several diseases of humans and domestic animals usually marked by severe gastrointestinal symptoms.
مُفْرِزُ الصَّفْراءcholeretic
promoting bile secretion by the liver.
رُكودٌ صَفْراوِيّcholestasis
a checking or failure of bile flow.
ورم كولستروليcholesteatoma
a tumor usually growing in a confined space and frequently constituting a sequel to chronic otitis media.
كوليستيرول cholesterol
a steroid alcohol C27H45OH present in animal cells and body fluids that regulates membrane fluidity, functions as a precursor molecule in various metabolic pathways, and as a constituent of LDL may cause arteriosclerosis.
الداءُ الكوليِسْتيرولِيُّ cholesterosis
abnormal deposition of cholesterol.
كولين choline
a basic compound C5H15NO2 that is found in various foods (as egg yolk and legumes).
بِيلَةٌ صَفْراوِيَّةcholuria
presence of bile in urine
ناقِضَةُ الغُضْروف chondroclast
cell that absorbs cartilage .
مشيماء chorion
the highly vascular outer embryonic membrane that is associated with the allantois in the formation of the placenta.
شق الصيغي chromatid
one of the usually paired and parallel strands of a duplicated chromosome joined by a single centromere.
حامِلُ الصِّباغ chromatophore
a pigment-bearing cell especially in the skin.
الكَيلوس chyle
lymph that is milky from emulsified fats, characteristically present in the lacteals.
هَدَب cilium
تسمم بالكيناcinchonism
a disorder due to excessive or prolonged use of cinchona or its alkaloids and marked by temporary deafness.
a ridge about the base of the crown of a tooth.
دَيرورَةُ العَينِ circumduction
movement of a limb or extremity so that the distal end describes a circle while the proximal end remains fixed.
resembling a dilated tortuous vein.
any of various instruments or appliances having parts brought together for holding or compressing something.
رُهابُ الأَماكِنِ المُغْلَقَة claustrophobia
abnormal dread of being in closed or narrow spaces.
a bone of the pectoral girdle that links the scapula and sternum.
كليماسْتين( دَواءٌ مُضادٌّ للهِيسْتامين) clemastine
an antihistamine administered in the form of its fumarate C21H26ClNO·C4H4O4.
عيادة clinic
an institution connected with a hospital or medical school where diagnosis and treatment are made available to outpatients.
المَحْدَر(عظم الجدار الأمامي للحفرة الخلفية للقحف) the smooth sloping surface on the upper posterior part of the body of the sphenoid bone supporting the pons and the basilar artery.
كلُوميفين(دَواءٌ مَضادٌّ للعُقْم) clomiphene
a synthetic drug used in the form of its citrate C26H28ClNO·C6H8O7 to induce ovulation.
تقلص رمعي clonic
exhibiting, relating to, or involving clonus.
كلُوتريمازول(دَواءٌ مُضادٌّ لِلفُطْرِيَّات)
an antifungal agent C22H17ClN2 used to treat candida infections, tinea, and ringworm.
the condition of being clubbed.
حنف القدم club-foot
any of numerous congenital deformities of the foot in which it is twisted out of position or shape
تَلاَزُن(تكدس الجراثيم)collimation
to arrange in or cause to form clumps
هَذْرَمَة cluttering
a speech defect in which phonetic units are dropped, condensed, or otherwise distorted as a result of overly rapid agitated utterance
حُقْنَةٌ شَرْجِيَّةclyster
the injection of liquid into the intestine by way of the anus (as for cleansing or examination)
مُخَثِّر coagulant
something that produces coagulation
اخْتِبارلقياس فعالية الكولاز بالجراثيم coagulase
any of several enzymes that cause coagulation (as of blood)
جلطة coagulum
a coagulated mass or substance
تلازق coalesce
to grow together
stricture or narrowing especially of a canal or vessel (as the aorta)
إدمان الكوكائينcocainism
habituation to cocaine.
ُ أَلَمُ العُصْعُص coccygodynia
pain in the coccyx and adjacent regions
مَعْرِفَة cognition
a conscious intellectual act.
لزُّكام cold
having a relatively low temperature or one that is lower than normal or expected.
اِسْتِئْصَالُ القولون colectomy
excision of a portion or all of the colon.
الْتِهابُ القولونcolitis
inflammation of the colon.
دوران ردفcollateral
relating to or being part of the collateral circulation.
إيزاء(ترتيب على التوازي) collimation
to make (as rays of light) parallel
القولون colon
the part of the large intestine that extends from the cecum to the rectum.
عُمَيْد columella
any of various anatomical parts likened to a column.
عَمود column
a longitudinal subdivision of the spinal cord that resembles a column or pillar.
مُتَمِّمَة complement
a group or set that is typical of the complete organism or one of its parts.
مُضاعَفَة complication
a secondary disease or condition that develops in the course of a primary disease or condition and arises either as a result of it or from independent causes.
يَضْغَط compress
to press or squeeze together.
an inclination (as an instinct, a drive, a wish, or a craving) to act purposefully.
a hard usually inorganic mass formed in a living body.
لُقْمَة condyle
an articular prominence of a bone.
دَواءٌ مُحَلَّى أَنْبَج confection
a medicinal preparation usually made with sugar, syrup, or honey.
صراع conflict
mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes, or external or internal demands.
احْتِقان congestion
an excessive accumulation especially of blood or mucus.
abnormally delayed or infrequent passage of dry hardened feces
the action or process of contracting.
تَلْفيف convolution
any of the irregular ridges on the surface of the brain and especially of the cerebrum.
بُذاء coprolalia
obsessive or uncontrollable use of obscene language.
قَطْعُ النُّخاعcordotomy
surgical division of a tract of the spinal cord for relief of severe intractable pain.
the upper portion of a bodily part (as a tooth or the skull).
the main part or body of a bodily structure or organ.
مَرْكَزُ السُّعال coughing
to expel air from the lungs suddenly with an explosive noise usually in a series of efforts.
the part of the skull that encloses the brain.
تَفَرُّض crenation
shrinkage of red blood cells resulting in crenated margins.
an anatomical pit, depression, or invagination.
زَرْعٌ culture
the act or process of growing living material.
زُراق cyanosis
a bluish or purplish discoloration (as of skin) due to deficient oxygenation of the blood.
انْحِلاَلٌ خَلَوِيّ cytolysis
the usually pathological dissolution or disintegration of cells.
a pyrimidine base C4H5N3O that codes genetic information in the polynucleotide chain of DNA or RNA.


DAC: . الطفل البالغ المعوّق
Disabled Adult Child.
DAI: . المساهمة السمعية المباشرة
Direct audio input.
daily variability: التغيّر اليومي
As used in relation to the ability to hear: Anything that effects a
person's hearing on a given day, such as colds, ear infection, malfunctioning hearing aids,
and barometric changes.
day care: العناية اليومية
Custodial care during the day.
day school program: برنامج مدرسة نهارية
A specialized program provided in a facility, a school district,
or a cooperative center that a child attends during the day, returning home at night.
day treatment المعالجة النهارية
Community-based, nonresidential program of services for children.
It is the most intensive program available that still allows the child to remain in the home.
dB: الديسيبل
DD: . الفوضى التطويرية أو المتأخرة تنمويا.

deaf-blind: الستارة الصمّاء
A term used to describe a person who has a substantial degree of loss of
both sight and hearing which combined results in functional difficulties in the areas of
development, education, vocation and/or independent living. One of the losses may be progressive, which in combination with the other sensory loss, may lead to severe dual
sensory impairments.
DEC: قسم الطفولة المبكرة من المجلس للأطفال الإستثنائيين
Division of Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children.
decibel (dB): الديسيبل
A unit of measuring the intensity (loudness) of sound; a unit of hearing
or audition. Extent of hearing is expressed as the number of decibels necessary for the person to hear pure tones above the baseline used to measure normal hearing. A person's
hearing ability is graphed on a dB scale.
decongestant: مخفّف الإحتقان
A medicine used to dry up excess mucous caused by an upper
respiratory infection.
decubitus ulcer: قرحة
More commonly called a "pressure sore". A breakdown of skin
tissue caused by: pressure on the skin, especially around bony areas (knees, heels, buttocks), when a child remains in one position for a long period of time, especially without padding; friction under a brace; moisture from perspiration; moisture and
chemicals from incontinence. A pressure sore, which begins as a red spot on the skin, can progress to an open wound with very serious medical complications. Parents and the team
need to establish a daily routine for prevention which includes periodic pressure relief (e.g. by changing position) and the use of appropriate cushions.
deductible: . قابل للاقتطاع
A flat amount which the insured must pay before the insurance company
will make any benefit payments under a policy .
deeming: الإعتبار
The process of considering another person's income and resources to be the income and resources of the individual who is applying for or receiving SSI benefits.
DEERS: . إستحقاق تسجيل دفاع الذي يبلغ عن نظام
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System.
A database used in the military system to verify beneficiary eligibility.
defensive behavior: السلوك الدفاعي
Behavior that is for the purpose of protecting the individual or avoiding unpleasant ideas, thoughts and consequences.
deficit model: نموذج عجز
Intervention strategies emphasizing remediation/accommodation of
the deficits or needs of the person or child. It's more a "fix the problem" model of providing services, rather than emphasizing the child's strengths and building on those.
degenerative neurological disease: المرض العصبي الإنحلالي
A condition that progressively destroys parts of the nervous system. This means that the symptoms of the condition become worse as
time passes.
delayed language: اللغة المتأخرة
A language disorder in which there is a noticeable slowness in the development of the vocabulary and grammar necessary for expressing and
understanding thoughts and ideas.
delayed speech: الخطاب المتأخر
Failure of speech to develop at the expected age. More specifically:
A deficit in speaking proficiency where the individual performs like someone much
delinquent: الجانح
A child or youth (usually under 18) who is found by a juvenile court to
have broken a law.
delirium: الهذيان
An acute organic mental disorder characterized by confusion and altered,
possibly fluctuating consciousness due to an laternation of cerebral metabolism which may include delusions, illusions and/or hallucinations. The condition is reversible except when followed by dementia or death. Often emotional changes, typically appearing as
anxiety and agitation, is present. Contrast with dementia.
delirium tremens: هذيان
An acute and sometimes fatal brain disorder (in 10-15% of untreated cases) caused by total or partial withdrawal from excessive alcohol intake.
Usually develops in 24-96 hours after cessation of drinking. Symptoms include fever, tremors, ataxia and sometimes convulsions, frightening illusions, delusions and hallucinations. The condition is often accompanied by nutritional deficiencies. It is a medical emergency.
delusion الوهم
A false personal belief based on incorrect inference about external reality and firmly sustained in spite of what almost everyone else believes and in spite of what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary. The belief is
not one ordinarily accepted by other members of the person's culture or subculture (i.e., it is not an article of religious faith). Delusions are subdivided according to their content,
such as: delusion of being controlled, bizarre delusion, grandiose delusion, delusional jealousy, nihilistic delusion, persecutory delusion, delusion of poverty, delusion of reference, somatic delusion, and systematized delusions.
dementia الخرف
An organic mental disorder in which there is a deterioration or previously
acquired intellectual abilities of sufficient severity to interfere with social or occupational functioning. Memory disturbance is the most prominent symptom. In addition, there is impairment of abstract thinking, judgment, impulse control and/or personality change.
Dementia may be progressive, static or reversible, depending on the pathology with the availability of effective treatment. See also senile dementia. Contrast with delirium.
dependent-care services: خدمات العناية بالتابع
Appropriate care and protection of infants, preschool
and school-age children and dependent adults in order to afford students who are parents or heads of households the opportunity to participate in vocational education programs.
depressed مكتئب
A type of bipolar disorder characterized by lowered mood, slowed thinking, decreased movement or agitation, loss of interest, guilt, lowered self-esteem, sleep disturbance and decreased appetite.
devaluation التخفيض
A mechanism in which a person attributes exaggeratedly negative
qualities to themselves or others.
development التطوير
Growing both physically and mentally.
developmental: Having to do with the steps or stages in growth and development before
the age of 18.
developmental age . العمر التطويري
The actual age score a child receives within a specific developmental area as compared to the chronological age
diabetes mellitus . داء السكّري
A disease caused by a lack of insulin production by the pancreas.
Diabetes is usually familial in nature, and it results in a disordered metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Diabetes can be treated with diet and insulin.
diabetic coma: الغيبوبة السكّرية
A situation in which a diabetic does not have sufficient insulin and
becomes drowsy, then unconscious.
diagnosis التشخيص
1. Naming the cause of a disorder by looking at its symptoms. 2. The
process of identifying specific mental or physical disorders. Some use the term more broadly to refer to a comprehensive evaluation not limited to the identification of specific
dialysis غسل الكلية
A procedures in which a machine is used to clear wastes from the blood.
Dialysis is necessary when the kidneys are not functioning properly.
diarrhea الإسهال
Excessive bowel movements of loose, watery stools, which can be acute or
chronic. Chronic diarrhea may lead to nutrient deficiencies because food may be passing through the intestinal tract too quickly for nutrients to be absorbed. Acute diarrhea may
lead to electrolyte imbalances and dehydration which can be life threatening.
digit الرقم
A finger or toe.
Diphtheria الدفتيريا
A serious bacterial infection which can cause pneumonia, heart failure,
nerve damage, or death by suffocation. Immunization with the DTP vaccine protects children against this disease. See "Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis: vaccine for immunization schedule.
direct services الخدمات المباشرة
Providing services in a manner which addresses individualized needs that require specialized intervention strategies which can be performed only by the specialist providing the service (i.e., occupational therapist). Generally requires frequent contact between the child and the therapist.
disability العجز
A particular act that someone has problems performing, like reading a
book, running or dressing, because of an impairment. A disability is not a handicap unless the individual with a disability must function in a particular activity that is impeded by his or her physical limitation, or because society has said he or she is "unable" to perform activities for which they, in fact, are able to perform. 2. The result of any physical or mental condition that affects or prevents one's ability to develop, achieve, and/or function in educational and social settings within the "normal" rate of growth and
disabled معوّق
1. One who has a disability. See also "disability". 2. As defined in eligibility
for the SSI program for a person 18 years or older, having a physical or mental impairment or combination of impairments which prevents him/her from working and is expected to last at least 12 months or to result in death. For a child under 18, having a
physical or mental impairment that is comparable in severity to one that would prevent an adult from working and is expected to last at least 12 months or result in death.
disadvantaged مضر
As used in Vocational Education, individuals identified: 1) as not
succeeding or cannot be expected to succeed in a regular vocational program without special assistance, 2) as an individual, not by groups, 3) by the effect, not the cause, of
his/her disadvantaged condition, and 4) where the disadvantaged condition is a
contributing factor to his/her lack of success. See also "disabled".
disclosure الكشف
To permit access to or the release, transfer, or other communication of
education records or the personality identifiable information contained in those records to any party, by any means, including oral, written, or electronic.
discretionary إختياري
Left to one's discretion, regulated by one's own judgment or choice.
discrimination التمييز
1. Any action which limits or denies a person or a group of persons
opportunities, privileges, roles, or rewards on the basis of their sex, age, race, handicap, national origin, and/or religious persuasion. 2. As in "word" discrimination, the ability to repeat and write words that are heard, as a list of 50 monosyllables.
disorder الفوضى
A disturbance in normal functioning (mental, physical, or psychological).
disorders associated with immaturity and inadequacy: Behavioral disorders in which an individual may be exceptionally clumsy, socially inadequate, or easily flustered.
disorganized schizophrenia داء الفصام المشوّش
Characterized by disorganized thinking, shallow and inappropriate affect, inappropriate giggling, silly and regressive behavior and mannerisms and frequent hypochondriacal complaints. Delusions and hallucinations are usually bizarre and disorganized. disorganized. Also known as "hebephrenic".
disorientation التضليل
Confusion about the date or time of day, where one is (place), or who
one is (identity). Disorientation is characteristic of some organic mental disorders, such
as delirium and dementia.
dispersed advocacy . الدفاع المفرّق
A situation where a protege is served by more than one advocate, usually in different roles. An example would be a person who has both an instrumental and an expressive advocate, or an adult advocate working with an advocate
cadet. Synonymous with co-advocacy.
displacement الإزاحة
A mechanism in which a person generalizes or redirects a feeling
about an object or a response to an object onto another, usually less threatening object.
dissociation التمييز
A mental condition in which ideas or desires are separated from the
mainstream of consciousness or from one's personality to a degree that they are no long accessible to memory or consciousness. The individual has difficulty or is unable to perceive things or situations as a whole, but instead tends to respond to stimuli in terms of parts or segments.
distal: أقصى
Farthest from one point of reference.
distortion التشويه
A change in a sound or wave-form causing inexact reproduction. 2. An
articulation error in which there are inaccurate productions of phonemes that resemble the target form. Some examples of these distortions are the lisps (lateral and dental), palatal
distortions (where the wrong part of the tongue is used to form s, z, sh, and zh sounds), and the retroflex distortions (too much curling of the tip of the tongue).
domains المجالات
Cognition, gross and fine motor; language; social-emotional; self-help.
double coverageالتغطية المضاعفة
The patient also has entitlement to insurance, medical service,
health and medical plan, or other government program through employment, law, membership in an organization or as a student (including entitlement by reason of being
retired from an organization or group), which in whole or in part duplicates CHAMPUS benefits. This does not include entitlement to receive care from the Uniformed Services
Medical Care System.
Down Syndrome: مرض المغولية
A condition resulting from a chromosomal abnormality, primarily
the presence of an extra (or part of) a chromosome. Characteristic features include mental retardation of varying degrees, epicanthal folds, oval-shaped eyes, thicker tongue, short neck. microcephaly, looseness of the joints, flat bridge of nose, etc. Previously referred to as "mongolism".
dual enrollment: . التسجيل الثنائي
When a student attends both a public and private (or specialized)
school to receive his/her education. An example is for a child who is deaf, to attend classes at the SD School for the Deaf, and also have some classes in the public school system with the assistance of an interpreter.
due process: العملية المستحقّة
A legal term referring to an action that protects a person's rights; in special education, this applies to action taken to protect the educational rights of students with handicaps.
Due Process Hearing: . جلسة العملية المستحقّة
A formal legal proceeding presided over by an impartial public official who listens to both sides of the dispute and renders a decision based upon
the law.
dyscalculia: صعوبة الحساب
Lack of ability to perform mathematical functions, usually associated with neurological dysfunction or brain damage.
dyslexia: عسر قراءة
A type of learning disability where, despite conventional classroom
experience, a person may have problems remembering and recognizing written letters,
numbers, and words, might read backwards, and have poor handwriting. The term is frequently used when neurological dysfunction is suspected as the cause of the reading disability.


echolalia لَفْظٌ صَدَوِيٌّ(ترديد أصوات الآخرين)
pathological repetition of the words spoken by another person.
echopraxia أَدَاءٌ صَدَوِيّ تَقْلِيدُ حَرَكاتِ الغَيْر
pathological imitation of the actions of another person.
eclabium انْقِلاَبُ الشَفَة
the turning outward of a lip.
ecology (bionomics) الإيكولوجيا
the study of the relationships between man, plants and animals and the environment.
ectasia تَوَسُّع
the dilatation of a tube, duct, or hollow organ.
ecthyma إِكْثيمَة
an infection of the skin.
ectoparasite طفيلي براني
a parasite that lives on the outer surface of its host.
ectopia انْتِباذ
The misplacement , due either to a congenial defect or injury, of a bodily part.
ectopic beat ضربة منتبذة
a heartbeat due to an impulse generated somewhere in the heart outside the sinoatrialnode.
ectoplasm ظَاهِرُ الهَيُولَى (الغِشاءُ الهَيُولِيّ)
The outer layer of cytoplasm in cells.
ectrodactyly انْعِدامُ الأَصابِع
congenital absence of all or part of one or more fingers.
ectropion (في الجَفن) الانقلاب للخارج
turning out of the eyelid away from the eyeball.
edentulous عَديمُ الأَسْنان
lacking teeth: usually applied to people who have lost some or all of their teeth.
a drug that stimulates skeletal muscles.
efferent القَناةُ الصَّادِرَة
designation vessels or ducts that drain fluid from an organ or part.
effusion انْصِباب
fluid that has escaped into a body cavity.
eikonometer مِقْياسُ تَبايُنِ صورَةِ العَينَين
an instrument for measuring the size of images on the retina of the eye.
elastic tissue نَسيجٌ مَرِن
strong extensible flexible connective tissue rich in yellow elastic fibers.
electrocautery كاوي كَهْرَبِيّ
the destruction of diseased or unwanted tissue by means of a needle or snare that electrically heated.
elevator رافِعَةٌ قِمِّيَّة أسنان
a lever like instrument used to ease a tooth out of its socket during extraction.
elliptocytosis كَثْرَةُ الكُرَيَّاتِ الإِهْليلَجِيَّة

the presence of significant numbers of abnormal elliptical red cells in the blood.
emaciation هُزال
wasting of the body caused by such conditions as malnutrition, tuberculosis, cancer , or parasitic worms.
embolectomy اسْتِئْصالُ الصِّمَّة
surgical removal of an embolus in order to relieve arterial obstruction.
embolism انْصِمام
the condition in which and embolus becomes lodged in an artery and obstructs its blood flow.
embryo جَنين
an animal at an early stage of development before birth.
emetic مُقَيِّء
an agent that induces vomiting.
eminence بَارِزَة
a protuberance or projection on a bodily part and especially a bone.
emmetropia سَواءُ البَصَر
the normal refractive condition of the eye in which with accommodation relaxed parallel rays of light are all brought accurately to a focus upon the retina.
empathy تَشاعُر(الحس بمشاعر الآخرين)
the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it.
emulsion مُسْتَحْلَب
a system (as fat in milk) consisting of a liquid dispersed with or without an emulsifier in an immiscible liquid usually in droplets of larger than colloidal size.
encephalitis الْتِهابُ الدِّماغ
inflammation of the brain.
encephalopathy اعْتِلاَلٌ دِماغِيّ
disease of the brain; especially : one involving alterations of brain structure.
endarteritis الْتِهابُ بَاطِنَةِ الشِّرْيان
inflammation of the intima of one or more arteries.
endocarditis الْتِهابُ الشَّغاف
inflammation of the lining of the heart and its valves.
endocervicitis الْتِهابُ بَاطِنِ العُنُق
inflammation of the lining of the uterine cervix.
endocrine gland غُدَّةٌ صَمَّاء
a gland (as the thyroid or the pituitary) that produces an endocrine secretion -- called also ductless gland.
endolymph اللِّمْفُ الجَوَّانِيّ
the watery fluid in the membranous labyrinth of the ear.
endomysium غِمْدُ اللِّيفِ العَضَلِيّ
the delicate connective tissue surrounding the individual muscular fibers within the smallest bundles .
endoparasite طُفَيلِيٌّ جَوَّانِيّ
a parasite that lives in the internal organs or tissues of its host.
endophthalmitis الْتِهابُ بَاطِنِ المُقْلَة
inflammation (as from infection by a fungus of the genus Candida) that affects the interior of the eyeball.
endoplasm الهَيولَى الباطِنَة
the inner relatively fluid part of the cytoplasm.
endoscope مِنْظارٌ داخِلِيّ
an illuminated usually fiber-optic flexible or rigid tubular instrument for visualizing the interior of a hollow organ or part (as the bladder or esophagus) for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
endosteum بِطانَةُ العَظْم
the layer of vascular connective tissue lining the medullary cavities of bone.
endothelium (الظِّهارَةُ المُبَطِّنَةُ لِلقَلْبِ والأَوعِيَة) بِطانَة
an epithelium of mesoblastic origin composed of a single layer of thin flattened cells that lines internal body cavities (as the serous cavities or the interior of the heart).
enema حُقْنَةٌ شَرْجِيَّة
the injection of liquid into the intestine by way of the anus.
enervate يَنْزِعُ العَصَب يَقْطَعُ العَصَب
to cut the nerves or tendons.
enflurane إينفلُوران(بَنْجٌ اسْتِنْشاقِيّ)
a liquid inhalational general anesthetic C3H2ClF5O prepared from methanol.
engram انْغِرام(الأثر الدائم في الفيزيولوجيا العصبية وعلم النفس)
a hypothetical change in neural tissue postulated in order to account for persistence of memory.
enterectomy اِقْتِطَاعُ الأَمْعاء
the surgical removal of a portion of the intestine.
enterocolitis الْتِهابٌ مِعَوِيٌّ قولونِيّ
enteritis affecting both the large and small intestine.
entropion شَتَرٌ داخِلِيّ
the inversion or turning inward of the border of the eyelid against the eyeball.
enucleate يَسْتَأصِلُ بِالكامِل
to remove without cutting into .
enzyme إنْزيم
any of numerous complex proteins that are produced by living cells and catalyze specific biochemical reactions at body temperatures.
eosinopenia قِلَّةُ اليُوزينِيَّات
an abnormal decrease in the number of eosinophils in the blood.
eparterial فَوقَ الشِّرْيان
situated above an artery; specifically : of or relating to the first branch of the right bronchus.
epicardium النِّخاب
the visceral part of the pericardium that closely envelops the heart.
epidemic وَباء
an outbreak of epidemic disease.
epidermis البَشَرَة
the outer nonsensitive and nonvascular layer of the skin of a vertebrate that overlies the dermis.
erethism فَرْطُ التَّهَيُّج
abnormal irritability or responsiveness to stimulation.
ergograph مِخْطاطُ العَمَل
an apparatus for measuring the work capacity of a muscle.
ergot أرْغوت - مِهْماز
the dried sclerotial bodies of an ergot fungus grown on rye and containing several ergot alkaloids.
erosion تَآكُل
progressive loss of the hard substance of a tooth.
eruption طَفَح(جلدي)
the condition of the skin or mucous membrane caused by erupting.
erythema حُمَامَى
abnormal redness of the skin due to capillary congestion (as in inflammation).


fabella غضروف في عضلة الساق
A small bone in the tendon of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle.
face-lift عملية شد الوجه
Plastic surgery to remove facial winkles, fat deposits and sagging skins.
facial artery الشريان وجهي
An artery with origin in the external carotid artery, with branches to the palatine and nasals branches.
facilitation تيسير
The enhancement or reinforcement of a reflexive or other nerve activity.
factitious صنعي
Produced artificially rather than by a natural process.
factor عامل
One that contributes in the cause of an action.
facultative مخير
Capable of functioning under varying environmental conditions, such as bacteria.
faculty كلية
A natural or specialized power of a living organism.
faint إغماء
An abrupt, usually brief loss of consciousness.
falciform منجلي
Curved and tapering point; sickle-shaped.
falciparum malaria ملاريا زخارية
Malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum.
fallopian فالوب
Attributed to Italian anatomist Gabriele Fallopio.
fallopian tube نفق فالوب
A pair of slender tubes from each ovary to the side of the fundus of the uterus.
false joint مفصل كاذب
A bony junction, usually occurring in the site of a poorly united fracture.
false pain طلق كاذب
A uterine contraction, preceding and sometimes a true labor pain.
falsification تيسير
The deliberate act of misrepresentation so as to device.
familial وراثي
Occurring or tending to occur among family members, usually by heredity.
family doctor طبيب العائلة
A physician who practice the specialty of family medicine.
fantasy تخيل
Imagery that is more or less coherent, as in dreams.
farad فارادا
The unit of capacitance in the mete-kilogram-second system.
faraday فارادي
The electric charge required to liberate 1 gram equivalent weight of a substance in electrolysis.
farmer's lung رئة مزارع
An occupational disease characterized by fever and dyspnea.
fascia لفافة
A band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, or binding together muscles and organs.
fascicular حزمي
Arranged in the form of a bundle or collection or rods.
fasciectomy استئصال اللفافة
Excision of strips of fascia.
fasciitis التهاب اللفافة
Inflammation in a fascia.
fascioplasty رأب اللفافة
Plastic surgery on a fascia.
Acting, moving quickly.
fastidiousصعب الإرضاء
Difficult to please; exacting.
fat دهن
Any of various soft, solid, or semisolid organic compounds.
fatal مميت
Causing or capable of causing death.
fatigue تعب
Physical or mental weariness resulting from exertion.
fatty دهني
Containing or composed of fat.
fatty acid حمض دهني
Any of a large group of long chain monobasic organic acids that derives from fats.
fear خوف
A feeling of agitation and dread caused by the presence of danger.
fecal برازي
Relating to or composed of feces.
feces براز
The matter that is discharged from the bowel during defecation.
fecund خصيب
Capable of producing offspring; fertile.
fecundation إخصاب
The act of fertilizing.
feel يشعر
To perceive through the sense of touch, or as physical sensation, as of pain.
felon داحوس في الإصبع
An abscess in volving the bulbous distal end of a finger.
female أنثى
A woman or a girl, or a member of the sex that produces ova or bears young.
femoral فخذي
Relating to the femur or thigh.
fenestra نافذة
A small anatomical opining, often closed by membrane.
fenestrated مثقب
Having fenestrae or window like openings.
fentanyl فينتانيل (دواء مسكن)
A narcotic analgesic used in combination with other drugs before or during surgery.
ferment خمير، انزيم
An agent, as yeast, a bacterium, or an enzyme that causes fermentation.
fermentative تخمري
Causing fermentation.
fertility خصوبة
The state of being fertile, especially the ability to produce young.
fever حمى
Body temperature above the normal of (37C).
fibril ليف
A minute fiber.
fibrin فبرين
A white insoluble fibrous protein formed by the action of thrombin.
fibrinuria بيئة فبرينية
The passage of urine that contains fibrin.
fibroid شبيه الليف
Resembling, forming, or consisting of fibrous tissue
fibroma ورم ليفي
A benign tumor consisting mainly of fibrous tissue
fibromyositis التهاب ليفي عضلي
Chronic inflammation of a muscle with an overgrowth of the connective tissue.
fibrous ليفية
Containing, consisting of, or resembling fibers
fibrous capsule محفظة ليفية
A capsule of fibrous cells or tissue, as that surrounding the kidney.
fibrous tissue نسيج ليفي
Tissue composed of bundles of collagenous white fibers.
field حقل
A definite area of plan surface, considered in relation to specific object.
figure شكل
A form or shape as of human body.
filament خيط
A fibril, fine fiber, or thread like structure.
filar خيطي
Of or relating to a thread or line
fillet حزمة ألياف
A band of anatomical fibers
filter مرشحة، مصفاة
A device through which a liquid is passed in order to separate the fluid from suspended particulate matter.
filum خيط
A filamentous structure
fimbria خمل
A fringelike anatomical part or structure.
finger إصبع
One of the fives digits of the hand.
fingerprint بصمة
A distinctive or identifying mark or characteristic.
first aid إسعاف أولي
Emergency care given to an ill or injured person before regular medical aid can be obtained.
fission انفلاق، انشطار
The act or processes of splitting into parts.
fissure شقاق
A deep furrow, cleft or slit.
fitness لياقة
The state or condition of being physically sound healthy.
fixation تثبيت
The condition of being stabilized, firmly attached, or set.
flaccid رخو
Lacking normal or youthful firmness
flagellate سوطي
Shaped like a flagellum.
flang حافة
A projecting or edge.
flap شريحة
A piece of tissue partly severed from its place of origin for use in surgical grafting.
flare هياج نسيجي
An area of redness on the skin surrounding the primary site of infection.
flat bone عظم مسطح
A bone having a thin, flattened shape as the scapula.
flatus غازات
Gas generated in the stomach or bowels.
flea برغوث
Any of various small, wingless bloodsucking insects of the order Siphonaptera.
flesh لحم
The soft parts of the body of an animal and especially of a vertebrate.
flex يثني
To bend, to move muscles so as to cause flexion of (a joint).
floaters طافيات
Small threads in the visual field.
flora المجموعة النباتية
Plants considered as a group.

perception: الفهم
A person's ability to consciously recognize and interpret what is seen,
heard, or felt. More specifically, the process of organizing or interpreting the raw data
(stimuli) obtained through the senses.
performance feedback: تعليقات أداء
Information given to students by teachers or therapists
regarding how well they performed.
peripheral nervous system: . النظام العصبي الخارجي
The parts of the nervous system that are outside the brain and spinal cord.
personal hearing aid: . سماعة الأذن الشخصية
A hearing aid belonging to a student and used by the student outside the classroom.
personality disorders: . اضطرابات شخصية
1. Behavior disorders in which an individual is overly
anxious, extremely shy, or unusually sad much of the time. 2. Deeply ingrained, inflexible, maladaptive patterns of relating, perceiving, and thinking of sufficient severity to cause either impairment in functioning or distress. Personality disorders are generally recognizable by adolescence or earlier, continued throughout adulthood, and become less obvious in middle or old age. Some personality disorders cited in DSM-III are: antisocial, borderline, compulsive, dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, paranoid, passive-aggressive, schizoid, and schzotypal. Refer to those specific disorders for individual definitions.
petit mal seizures: . حجز صرع خفيف
Seizures characterized by brief periods of inattention, with rapid eye-blinking or head-twitching.
Ph.D.: الدكتوراه
Indicates a doctoral degree in any of a wide range of disciplines (sociology,
psychology, anthropology, mathematics, etc.).
phobia: الخوف
A persistent, irrational fear that results in a compelling desire to avoid the
dreaded object, activity or situation (the phobic stimulus). More commonly, the individual does actually avoid the feared activity, situation or object, though he recognizes that the fear is unreasonable and unwarranted by actual dangerousness. Some
individuals with a phobia claim that their avoidance is rational because they anticipate overwhelming anxiety or some other strong emotion that is out of their control; they do not claim; however, that their anxiety is rationally justified.
physical development: التطوير الطبيعي
Growth. Biogenetically based changes in a child's physical characteristics, including changes in weight, height, skeletal and muscular features, and
maturation of the circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems.
physical disorders: الاضطرابات الطبيعية
Bodily impairments that interfere with an individual's mobility, coordination, communication, learning, and/or personal adjustment.
physical therapist (PT): المعالج الطبيعي
A person who is licensed to assist in the examination, testing, and treatment of persons who are physically disabled or handicapped through the use of special exercise, application of heat or cold, use of sonar waves, and other
techniques. A physical therapist usually becomes qualified by taking a 4-year college course leading to a B.S. in physical therapy or a special 12-month certificate course after obtaining a bachelor's degree in a related field.
physical therapy (PT): العلاج الطبيعي
Instructional support and treatment of physical disabilities
provided by a trained physical therapist, under a doctor;s prescription, that helps a person improve the use of bones, muscles, joints, and nerves. Physical therapy includes the use
of massage, exercise, stretching, water, light, heat, and certain forms of electricity, all of which are mechanical rather than medical in nature. Physical therapy will assist in maximizing a person's general fitness, sensorimotor development, neurobehavioral
organization, neuro-skeletal-muscular function, and cardiopulmonary status.
pigmentation: الإصطباغ
Coloration of the skin and eyes.
pincer grasp: قبضة
Bringing together the thumb and the tip of the index finger so that an
object is held deftly.
pituitary dwarfism: . التقزّم النخامي
A form of dwarfism or arrested growth that is caused by
failure of the pituitary gland. It results in overall smallness
platelet transfusion: . نقل صفيحة دمّ
A blood transfusion in which the red blood cells are removed and the remaining blood is rich with platelets, which prevent bleeding
platelets: صفيحات الدمّ
Small particles in the blood that assist the blood in clotting pain and rapidly increasing dyspnea.
polio: . شلل الأطفال
A viral disease with three known strains which can cause permanent paralysis, deformity, or death. Immunization with the OPV vaccine protects children against this disease. See "Oral Polio Vaccine" for the immunization schedule.
positioning: الوضع
The process of placing an individual into a position in which the body
parts are in proper alignment to each other.
postnatal: بعد الولادة
The time period after birth.
postpartum period: فترة بعد الولادة
The period of time shortly after childbirth.
prenatal: قبل الولادة
The time before birth, while a baby is developing during pregnancy. The
period of time between the conception and birth of an infant.
prenatal rubella: الحصبة الألمانية قبل الولادة
maternal rubella.
pressure areas/sores: مناطق ضغط / قرح جلدية
Red, swollen, and/or bruised spots on the skin surface decubitus ulcer.
pressure of speech: . ضغط الخطاب
Speech that is increased in amount, accelerated and difficult or
impossible to interrupt. Usually it is also loud and emphatic. Frequently, the individual talks without any social stimulation and may continue to talk even though no one is listening. Pressure of speech is most often seen in manic episodes, but may also occur in some cases of organic mental disorders, major depression with psychomotor agitation, schizophrenia, other psychotic disorders, and, occasionally, acute reactions to stress.
presumptive disability: العجز الإفتراضي
A condition (e.g., total and permanent blindness, loss of two limbs, etc.) which, if present, automatically causes an insured to be considered totally
prevalence: الإنتشار
The number of persons in any given population who exhibit a condition
or problem at a specific point in time.
prevention: طرش قبل مهني
Activities which address the causes of developmental disabilities and the
exacerbation of functional limitations, such as activities which - (A) eliminate or reduce the factors which cause or predispose persons to developmental disabilities or which increases the prevalence of developmental disabilities; (B) increase the early identification of existing problems to eliminate circumstances that create or increase
functional limitations; and (C) mitigate against the effects of developmental disabilities throughout the person's lifespan.
prevocational deafness: المنع
Hearing impairments resulting prior to age 19.
prevocational training programs: برامج قبل التدريب المهني
Programs designed to provide attitudinal and motivational services to students prior to their entering vocational preparatory programs.
Programs may also include basic skills development, assessment of student needs, abilities, aptitudes, and interests in relation to vocational education and jobs, as well as guidance and counseling services.
primary care taker: آخذ العناية الأساسي
Principal custodian: person whose work is to take care of some thing, place or person.
primary tumor: الورم الأساسي
An original tumor (as opposed to a metastatic tumor).
primary-care physician: طبيب العناية بالعائلة
A physician who has principal responsibility for an individual's care, perhaps a family physician.
primitive reflexes: ردّود الأفعال البدائية
Reflexes present prior to or at birth and normally integrated during the first 4-6 months of life.
private therapist: المعالج الخاصّ
Any professional (therapist, tutor, psychologist, etc.) not connected with the public school system or with a public agency.
privilege: الإمتياز
The legal right of a patient, always established by statute, to prevent his
physician from testifying about information obtained in the course of his treatment by the
physician. Thus, a legal affirmation of the ethical principle of confidentiality. See privileged communication.
privileged communication: الإتصال المميّز
The laws of evidence in some jurisdictions provide that certain kinds of communication between persons who have a special confidential or
fiduciary (trusting) relationship will not be divulged. The psychotherapist-patient and doctor-patient relationship is, in some states, considered privileged communication.
probate: . إثبات صحة الوصية
The court proceedings in which there is supervision over the property
passing from a deceased person to beneficiaries under the provisions of the Will, or if there is no Will, under the provisions of the less generous state law
probationary period: الفترة الإختبارية
A period of time which must pass after a new employee is hired before the new employee is eligible to enroll in the company's group insurance
plan. Also referred to as a waiting period.
procedural safeguards: . الوقاية الإجرائية
1. Laws that protect the rights of children with disabilities and their families. 2. The requirements of a law, for instance, IDEA requires that children with disabilities be served in the least restrictive environment appropriate to their educational needs. Non-discriminatory testing and use of multiple criteria in the determination of placement.
process schizophrenia: داء فصام عملية
A type of schizophrenia attribed more to organic factors than to environmental ones; typically begins gradually, continues chronically, and
progresses (either rapidly or slowly) to an irreversible psychosis. Contrast with reactive schizophrenia.
profound/multiple disorders: العميق / اضطرابات متعدّدة
severe and profound/multiple disorders.
prognosis: التشخيص
A forecast as to the recovery or outcome of a condition or disease.
progressive: تقدمّي
A gradual worsening. 2. As pertains to ap regressive hearing loss, the
amount of loss continues to regress over time.
Project Head Start: بداية مشروع الفضلى
A prevention program that attempts to identify and teach high risk children before they enter public school.
projectile vomiting: تقيّأ القذيفة
Vomiting with the material ejected with great force.
prosthetic: بديلي
A device that replaces a missing or malfunctioning part of the body, such as an arm, a joint, teeth, hearing aids, etc.
protective services: . الخدمات الوقائية
Services which assist individuals who are unable to manage
their own resources or to protect themselves from neglect, exploitation, or hazards. Examples of such services are outreach and referrals, counseling, case management and follow-along, guardianship, financial support, legal aid, and housekeeping assistance exercised.
protein: البروتين
A food that supplies the basic building materials required by the body. All
children need adequate amounts of protein to assist in brain and body growth.
provider: المجهز
Person or institution rendering medical services to the patient.
proximal: Nearest to the point of reference; opposite of distal or farthest from the point of reference.
psychiatric social worker: . موظف الخدمات إجتماعية النفسي
Social workers specializing in work with psychiatric patients and their families.
psychiatrist: الطبيب النفساني
A medical doctor who conducts screening, diagnosis, and treatment of mental, psychological, emotional, behavioral, and developmental, or organic disorders.
Because they are medical doctors, psychiatrists can prescribe medications to alleviate the symptoms of various mental disorders.
psycho-social (development): الإجتماعي النفسي (تطوير)
The psychological development of a person in relation to his or her social environment. Includes the formation and growth of two-way
relationships with significant persons in their life, and the way in which one socially responds to the surrounding environment.
psycho-therapist: معالج نفسي
A mental health professional who provides psychotherapy.
psychoanalyst: المحلّل النفساني
A person who diagnoses and treats emotional disorders through
special techniques that explore a patient's mental and emotional makeup.
psychogenic deafness: الطرش النفسي المنشأ
Auditory impairment which may result from emotional stress as an unconscious means of escape from an intolerable situation. Also referred to
as conversion or hysterical deafness.
psychological services: الخدمات النفسية
Support to the family and child to facilitate functional psychological/behavioral characteristics (growth of relationships with caregivers and peers, socially responding to the environment, etc.).
psychologist: العالم النفساني
An individual who is trained and licensed to research, evaluate, and
provide treatment to individuals pertaining to their social, emotional, psychological, behavioral or developmental problems. A psychologist is not a medical doctor, and cannot prescribe medications. See also "clinical psychologist".
psychology: علم النفس
Professional specialty or discipline concerned with mental processes and
psychomotor agitation: هياج
Excessive motor activity associated with a feeling of inner
tension; the activity is usually nonproductive and repetitious. When the agitation is severe, it may be accompanied by shouting or loud complaining. The term should be used
in a technical sense to refer only to states of tension or restlessness that are accompanied by observable excessive motor activity. Examples: Inability to sit still, pacing, wringing of hands, pulling at clothes.
psychomotor retardation: تأخر
A slowed development of abilities to perform acts involving cognitive and physical processes.A generalized slowing down of physical reactions, movements and speech.
psychomotor seizure: حجز
A type of seizure in which the child displays inappropriate,
purposeless behavior (such as lip smacking, chewing, or other automatic reactions) for
the setting and automatic or involuntary movements and actions.
psychosis: . الإختلال العقلي
A general term used to describe any of several mental disorders
characterized by social withdrawal, distortions of reality, delusions, hallucinations, illusions, loss of contact with environment, disintegration of the personality, and unclear
thinking to the degree that any one of these interferes with the capacity to cope with the demands of everyday life.
psychotherapist: . الطبيب النفساني
A mental health professional who provides psychotherapy
psychotherapy: العلاج بالتحليل النفسي
A broad term applied to a variety of approaches to the treatment of
mental and emotional disorders.
psychotic: ذهاني
A term indicating gross impairment in reality testing. It may be used to
describe the behavior of an individual at a given time or a mental disorder in which at some time during its course all individuals with the disorder have grossly impaired reality testing. When there is gross impairment in reality testing, the individual incorrectly
evaluates the accuracy of his or her perceptions and thoughts and makes incorrect inferences about external reality, even in the face of contrary evidence. The term psychotic does not apply to minor distortions of reality that involve matters of relative
judgment. For example, a depressed person who underestimated his achievements would
not be described as psychotic, whereas one who believed he had caused a natural catastrophe would be so described. In DSM-III the psychotic disorders include pervasive developmental disorders, schizophrenic and paranoid disorders, psychotic disorders not elsewhere classified, some organic mental disorders, and some affective disorders.
public agency: الوكالة العمومية
An agency, office, or organization that is supported by public funds and serves the community at large.
pull-out: الإنسحاب
A term applied to interventions that remove a student with a disability from
the regular classroom to a separate class for at least part of the school day.
puree: المعجون
A nutrition term used when describing dietary instructions. Semi-solid
consistency of food with high water content and low calorie density. No lumps, jar baby food can substitute. Examples, applesauce or baby chicken stirred well. This is a step up
from liquids towards solids.

quadratus العَضَلَةُ المُرَبَّعَةُ الأَخْمَصِيَّة
any of various four-sided muscles.
quadriceps العَضَلَةُ الرُّباعِيَّةُ
one of the great extensor muscles of the legs.
quellung reaction تَفاعُلُ الانْتِباج(انتباج محفظة الجراثيم بوجود الأضداد)
a reaction in which antibodies against the bacterium streptococcus pneumoniae combine with the bacterial capsule.
quickening إِحْياء
the first movement of a fetus in the uterus felt by the mother.
quiescent هادِىء
describing a disease that is in an inactive or underectable phrase.
quinsy عاذُور( خُرَاجُ مُجَاوِرَاتِ اللَّوزَة)
pus in the spaces between the tonsil and the wall of the pharynx.

rabbeting وصل طرفي العظم المكسور
The making of congruous stepwise cuts on apposing bone surfaces for firmly holding together fractured bone.

flow تدفق
To move or run smoothly with unbroken continuity.
fluid سائل
Of or characteristic of a fluid.
flush احمرار الوجه
To turn red, as from fever, heat, or strong emotions.
fly ذبابة
Any of numerous two-winged insects of the order Diptera.
focal بؤري
Of relating to a focus.
focus بؤرة
A point at which rays as of light, converge or from which they diverge or appear to diverge.
fold طية
A crease or ridge apparently formed by folding, as of membrane.
food طعام
Material, usually of plants or animal origin that contains essential nutrients.
foot قدم
The terminal part of the vertebrate leg upon which an individual stands.
foramen ثقب
A perforation through a bone or a membranous structure.
force قوى
The capacity to do work or cause physical change, energy or strength.
fore head جبين
The part of the face between the eyebrows, the normal hairline, and the temples.
formula صيغة
The chemical compound so represented.
fornix قبو
An arch-shaped structure, especially the arch-shaped roof of an anatomical roof.
fossa حفرة
A small longitudinal cavity.
fossula حفيرة
A small fossa.
foundation أساس
The basis on which something stands; a base.
fraction جزء
An expression that indicates the quotient of two quantities.
fracture كسر
The act or processes of braking.
fragility هشاشة
The quality or state of being easily broken.
fragment شظية
A small part broken off or detached.
A small brownish spot on the skin.
freeze يتجمد
To pass from the liquid to the solid state by loss of heat.
fremitus اهتزاز
A vibration felt by the hand placed on the chest during coughing.
friable هش
Easily crumbled or pulverized
friction احتكاك
The running of one object or surface against another.
frigidity برودة
Marked or abnormal sexual indifference especially in a woman.
frontal جبهي
Of, relating to, or adjacent to the forehead or the frontal bone
frostbite لسعة جليد
To affect or injure by frost or frostbite
fructose فركتوز(سكر الفاكهة)
A very sweet sugar that occurs especially in fruit juices and honey.
frustration إحباط
State of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs.
fugue شرود
Affected person seems to perform acts in full awareness but upon recovery cannot recollect them.
fulgurant صاعق
Characterized by sudden shooting pain.
fulminant يداهم
Coming on suddenly with great severity
fumigant مادة للتبخير
A substance used in fumigating
function وظيفة
Any of a group of related actions contributing to a larger action
fundus قعر
The bottom of or part farthest from the opining of a hollow organ.
fungal فطري
Of, relating to, or having the characteristics of fungi
fungemia فطور الدم
The presence of fungi in the blood.
fungiform فطري الشكل
Shaped like a mushroom.
fungus فطر
Any of the kingdom Fungi of saprophytic producing eukaryotic typically filamentous organisms classified as plants that lack chlorophyll.
funic متعلق بالحبل السري
Of, relating to, or originating in the umbilical cord.
funny bone عظم الكوع
The place at the back of the elbow where the ulnar nerve rests against bone.
fusiform مغزلي الشكل
Tapering toward each end.
fusion انصهار
The liquid or plastic state induced by heat.
fusobacterium بكتيرية مغزلية
A genus of gram-negative anaerobic strictly parasitic rod-shaped bacteria of the family Bacteroidaceae that include some pathogens occurring especially in purulent or gangrenous infections.

الغَفْقِيَّة (جنس جراثيم من فصيلة العقديات)gaffkya
a genus of bacteria now classified as micrococcus.
المنعكس البلعومي gag reflex
reflex contraction of the muscles of the throat caused especially by stimulation.
مدر اللبن galactagogue
an agent that promotes the secretion of milk.
قِيلَةٌ لَبَنِيَّة galactocele
a cystic tumor containing milk or a milky fluid.
غالاكتوز galactose
an optically active sugar C6H12O6 that is less soluble and less sweet than glucose and is known in dextrorotatory, levorotatory, and racemic forms.
حَصاةٌ صَفْراوِيَّةgallstone
a calculusformed in the gallbladder or biliary passages.
الغَلْفانِيَّة galvanism
any form of medical treatment using electricity.
عرس gamete
a mature male or female germ cell usually possessing a haploid chromosome set and capable of initiating formation of a new diploid individual by fusion with a gamete of the opposite.
عرسية gametocyte
a cell that divides to produce gametes
gamma camera.
غَنْغَرينَة gangosa
a destructive ulcerative condition believed to be a manifestation of yaws that usually originates about the soft palate and spreads into the hard palate, nasal structures, and outward to the face, eroding intervening bone, cartilage, and soft tissues.
المعد gastr
مغص بالمعدةgastrocolic
of, relating to, or uniting the stomach.
تمدد المعدة gastrectasia
dilatation of stomach.
استئصال المعدة او جزء منها gastrectomy
surgical removal of all or part of the stomach.
دراسة الجهاز الهضمي gastrentrology
surgical removal of all or part of the stomach.
العصير المعدي gastric juice
a thin watery acid digestive fluid secreted by the glands in the mucous membrane of the stomach.
حصوة بالمعدةgastrolith
a gastric calculus.
معدي gastric
of or relating to the stomach.
تَثْبيتُ المَعِدَةgastropexy
a surgical operation in which the stomach is sutured to the abdominal wall.
فَغْرُ المَعِدَة gastrostomy
the surgical formation of an opening through the abdominal wall into the stomach.
بَضْعُ المَعِدَة gastrotomy
surgical incision into the stomach.
مِنْظارُ المَعِدَة gastroscope
an endoscope for inspecting the interior of the stomach.
قرحة بالمعدة gastric ulcer
a peptic ulcer situated in the stomach.
اللبن – لبني galact
وُجودُ الغالاكتوزِ في الدَّم galactosemia
a metabolic disorder inherited as an autosomal recessive trait in which galactose accumulates in the blood due to deficiency of an enzyme catalyzing its conversion to.
تَوَزُّعٌ غاوسِيّ) تَوَزُّعٌ نِظامِيّ) gaussian
normal distribution.
شاش gauze
a loosely woven cotton surgical dressing
تزْقِيْم (تَغْذِيَة قَسْرِيَّة) gavage
introduction of material into the stomach by a tube.
geriatric متعلق بطِبِّ الشُّيوخ
a branch of medicine that deals with the problems and diseases of old age and aging people.
geriatrician طَبيبُ الشُّيوخ
a specialist in geriatrics.
متعلق بطِبِّ الشُّيوخ geriatric
branch of medicine that deals with the problems and diseases of old age and aging people
هُلاَم gelatin
glutinous material obtained from animal tissues by boiling.
بُرْعُمُ الميناء germ
a small mass of living substance capable of developing into an organism or one of its parts..
بُرَيعِمَة gemmule
a theoretical particle in the theory of pangenesis that is shed by a somatic cell and contains all the information necessary to reproduce that cell type.
جين gene
a specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that is located usually on a chromosome and that is the functional unit of inheritance controlling the transmission and expression of one or
more traits by specifying the structure of a particular polypeptide and especially a protein or controlling the function of other genetic material..
اسْمٌ غَيرُ مُسَجَّلِ المِلْكِيّ َggeneric
not protected by trademark registration.
المُعالَجَةُ الجِينيَّة gene therapy
the insertion of usually genetically altered genes into cells especially to replace defective genes in the treatment of genetic disorders or to provide a specialized disease-fighting function.
خَلِيَّةٌ عِمْلاَقَة giant cell
an unusually large cell.
the smooth prominence between the eyebrows.
عُقْدَة(لِمْفِيَّة) gland
a cell, group of cells, or organ of endothelial origin that selectively removes materials from the blood, concentrates or alters them, and secretes them for further use in the body or for elimination from the body
رُعام glanders
a contagious and destructive disease especially of horses caused by a bacterium of the genus Pseudomonas and characterized by caseating nodular lesions especially of the respiratory mucosae and lungs that tend to break down and form ulcers
زَرَق glaucoma
a disease of the eye marked by increased pressure within the eyeball that can result in damage to the optic disk and gradual loss of vision
سَيَلاَنٌ مُزْمِن gleet
a chronic inflammation of a bodily orifice usually accompanied by an abnormal discharge.
خلية دبقية glia
supporting tissue that is intermingled with the essential elements of nervous tissue especially in the brain, spinal cord, and ganglia, is of ectodermal origin, and is
composed of a network of fine fibrils and of flattened stellate cells with numerous radiating fibrillar processes
غلوبين globin
a colorless protein obtained by removal of heme from a conjugated protein and especially hemoglobin
المِزْمار glottis
the space between one of the true vocal cords and the arytenoid cartilage on one side of the larynx and those of the other side.
glutamine غلُوتامين
a crystalline amino acid C5H10N2O3 that is found both free and in proteins in plants and animals and that yields glutamic acid and ammonia on hydrolysis.
gluten غلُوتين
a gluey protein substance especially of wheat flour that causes dough to be sticky.
غليسيريد glyceride
an ester of glycerol especially with fatty acids
glycine غلِيسين
a sweet crystalline nonessential amino acid C2H5NO2 that is a neurotransmitter which induces inhibition of postsynaptic neurons, is obtained by hydrolysis of proteins or is prepared synthetically, and is used in the form of its salt as an antacid or in aqueous solution as an irrigating fluid in transurethral surgery.
glycolipid شَحْمِيٌّ سُكَّرِيّ
a lipid that contains a carbohydrate radical.
gold ذهب
a malleable ductile yellow metallic element that occurs chiefly free or in a few minerals and is used especially in coins, jewelry, and dentures and in the form of its salts.
الغُدَّةُ التَّنَاسُلِيَّة gonad
a gamete-producing reproductive gland.
مُوَجِّهُ اسْتِخْراج الحَصاة gorget
a grooved instrument used especially formerly to guide the direction of surgical incision in lithotomy.
نِقْرِس gout
a metabolic disease marked by a painful inflammation of the joints, deposits of urates in and around the joints, and usually an excessive amount of uric acid in the blood.
طُعْم graft
to implant (living tissue) surgically .
تَحَبُّب granulation
one of the minute red granules made up of loops of newly formed capillaries that form on a raw surface and that with fibroblasts are the active agents in the process of healing.
كَشْطُ الحُبَيبات grattage
the removal of granulations by scraping or by friction.
حَصْبَاء gravel
the condition that results from the presence of deposits of gravel gravid
grey matter المادَّةُ السِّنْجابِيَّة
neural tissue especially of the brain and spinal cord that contains cell bodies as well as nerve fibers, has a brownish gray color, and forms most of the cortex and nuclei of the brain, the columns of the spinal cord, and the bodies of ganglia
guanethidine غوانيثيدين(دَواءٌ مُحْصِرٌ لِلفِعْلِ الأَدْرينالِيِّ خافِضٌ لِلضَّغْط)
drug used especially in the form of its sulfate C10H22N4·H2SO4 to treat severe high blood pressure.
purine base C5H5N5O that codes genetic information in the polynucleotide chain of DNA or RNA.
الدُّودَةُ الغينِيَّة guinea worm
a slender tropical nematode worm of the genus Dracunculus that is a human parasite with no known animal reservoir, has an adult female.
المَرِيء gullet
an invagination of the protoplasm in various protozoans.
صَمْغ gum
the tissue that surrounds the necks of teeth and covers the alveolar parts of the jaws ; broadly : the alveolar portion of a jaw with its enveloping soft tissues
a tumor of gummy or rubbery consistency that is characteristic of the tertiary stage of syphilis.
relating to, affecting, associated with, or being the sense of taste.
تَلْفيف gyrus
a convoluted ridge between anatomical grooves.

hallucination: الهلوسة
A sensory perception without external stimulation of the relevant sensory organ. A hallucination has the immediate sense of reality of a true perception, although in some instances the source of the hallucination may be perceived as within the body, such as an auditory hallucination experienced as coming from within the head
rather than through the ears. Hallucinations should be distinguished from illusions, in which an external stimulus is misperceived or misinterpreted and from normal thought processes that are exceptionally vivid.
Hamilton Trust: ثقة هاملتن
A special type of trust where assets not belonging to the beneficiary of the trust are placed in trust for the beneficiary's supplemental (not basic) support. The assets and income of a Hamilton Trust are not considered income or available resource for South Dakota SSI/Medicaid and other entitlement eligibility purposes.
handicap: العائق
A limitation imposed on an individual by the environment and the
person's capacity to cope with that limitation. A term used to refer to any disability (physical, mental or emotional) which limits or threatens a persons development of full potential.
hard signs: الإشارات الصعبة
A term used by neurologists to indicate that a child performs in an observably different way than the average child in certain central nervous system
functions. These differences may be quantitative or qualitative. They may include the presence of inappropriate responses and/or the absence of appropriate responses.
health: الصحة
The optimal physical mental, social and spiritual well-being of a person.
health benefits advisor (HBA): . مستشار فوائد صحيّة
Military bases employ HBAs to help
beneficiaries with questions about benefits and claims filing.
health disorders: . اضطرابات صحية
Conditions or diseases that interfere with an individual's functioning but do not necessarily or initially have an impact on their ability to move
about independently in various settings
health insurance: التأمين الصحي
Insurance that pays specified benefits if the person who is insured
becomes sick or is injured. Health insurance coverage includes both medical expenses coverage and disability income coverage.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO): منظمة صيانة صحة
A group of doctors and other
medical providers who provide services for a fixed yearly advance fee or premium payment. Members must rely exclusively on the HMO for all their medical needs.
health services: الخدمات الصحية
Instructional and access support to promote optimal health, growth
and development.
hearing aid: سماعة الأذن
An electronic instrument that amplifies sound waves for a person who has a hearing impairment.
hearing impaired: . ضعيف السّمع
Any individual who has a hearing loss that requires special assistance (such as a hearing aid) or educational adaptation. This term includes both
persons who are hard-of-hearing and who are deaf.
hearing impairment: ضعف السمع
Having a reduction in hearing that affects a person's educational, academic, and/or social performance. Hearing losses are classified by
hearing sensitivity at various frequencies within the audible range. These frequencies are termed "decibels" or "dB". An individual is considered to have normal hearing if the hearing threshold is above the 25 dB range.
heart attack: النوبة القلبية
A sudden inability of the heart to function properly.
heart murmur: دندنة قلب
A sound made by the action of the heart when the valves between
the heart chambers do not close completely. Functional heart murmurs are not harmful in
any manner. Organic heart murmurs indicate serious problems.
hebephrenic schizophrenia: داء فصام disorganized schizophrenia.
heir: الوريث
The person who inherits property under state law.
hemoglobin: الهيموغلوبين
a part of the red blood cell that contains iron which enables the red
cell to carry oxygen. A blood test which measures the amount of hemoglobin in a blood sample to test for anemia.
high frequency deafness: طرش تذبذب عالي
Loss of hearing acuity for high frequencies; may be
associated with sensorineural damage (inner ear).
high risk register: . سجلّ الخطر العالي
Any set of criteria consisting of several factors that are related to greater prevalence of hearing impairment. This is used to identify neonates/infants that
require further hearing screening/assessment.
high technology: التقنية المتطورة
State-of-the-art computer, microelectronic, hydraulic, pneumatic,
laser, nuclear, chemical, telecommunication, and other technologies being used to enhance productivity in manufacturing, communication, transportation, agriculture, mining energy, commercial, and similar economic activity, and to improve the provision
of health care.
High Tone Hypertonic: . النغمة العالية
Having stiff, rigid, or inflexible muscles.
histamines: الهستامين
Substances transmitted in a number of fashions (such as foods and odors), which cause a constriction or swelling of bronchial muscles.
histrionic personality disorder: فوضى الشخصية المسرحية
Excitability, emotional instability, overactivity and attention-seeking and often seductive self-dramatization, whether or not the person is aware of its purpose. People with this disorder are immature, self-centered, vain and
unusually dependent. Sometimes referred to as hysterical personality.
hormone: الهورمون
An internally secreted compound formed in endocrine organs.
Hospital Insurance (HI): . تأمين مستشفى
A health insurance program under Medicaid
human rights: حقوق الإنسان
Rights of a citizen of the United States that deal with the following rights: life, choice, freedom of movement, religious choice, to live in the community, medical care, and to pursue happiness.
hypermedia: الوسط الموصول
An approach to use computers and audio/visual technology to mimic
the way the brain works and; therefore, have a greater effect on how an individual learns.
Hypermedia enhances a child's ability to explore and "experience" more of the world through a computer, offers information needed for them to make sense out of their world, and builds on their levels of understanding. It attempts to involve as many senses as
possible, thus making the child the leader of the learning experience.
hysterical deafness: . الطرش الهستيري
Psychogenic deafness. A person with psychogenic deafness has no physical or physiological basis for the hearing loss.


ibuprofen ايبوبروفين(دَواءٌ مُسَكِّنٌ ومُضادٌّ للالْتِهاب)
an anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of arthritic condition.
ichor غَثيثَة(سائل مصلي من جرح أو قرحة)
aatery material oozing from wounds or ulcers.
ichthyosis سُماك
any one of a group of disorders usually hereditary in which there is persistent noninflammatory scaling of the skin.
ictus نوبة
a stroke or any sudden attack.
ideation افْتِكار
the process of thinking or of having imagery or ideas.
ileectomy اسْتِئْصالُ اللَّفائِفِيّ
surgical removal of the ileum (small intestine) or part of the ileum.
ileitis الْتِهابُ الأَمْعاءِ
inflammation of the small intestine.
ileocolostomy مُفَاغَرَةٌ لَفائِفِيَّةٌ قَوْلُونِيَّةٌ
surgical operation in which the ileum is joined to some part of the colon.
iliac arteries الشِّرْيانُ الحَرْقَفِيُّ
the arteries that supply most of the blood to the lower limbs and pelvic region.
ilium الخَطُّ المُقَوَّسُ للعَظْمِ الحَرْقَفِيّ
the haunch bone: a wide bone forming the upper part of each side of the hip bone.
illusion انْخِداع(بصري أو حسي)
a false perception due to misinterpretation of the stimuli arising from an object.
imagery تَصَوُّرُ الذِّكْرِيات
the production of vivid mental representations by the normal process of thought.
imipramine إيميبرامين(دَواءٌ مضاد للاكتئاب)
a drug administrated by mouth or injection to treat depression.
immune مَناعِيّ
protected against a particular infection by the presence of specific antibodies against the organisms concerned.
immunotherapy مُعالَجَةٌ مَناعِيَّة
the prevention or treatment of disease using agents that may modify the immune response.
immunotoxin ذيفانٌ مَناعِيّ
one of a new class of drugs undergoing clinical trails for the treatment of leukaemia.
immunotransfusion نَقْلُ الدَّمِ المُمَنِّع
the transfusion of an antiserum to treat or give temporary protection against a disease.
impetigo القَوْباء
a superficial bacterial infection of skin.
impotence عَنانَة
iInability in a man to have sexual intercourse.
impression طَبْعَة أسنان
an elastic mould made of the teeth and surrounding soft tissues or of a toothless jaw.
inanition مَسْغَبَة
a condition of exhaustion caused by lack of nutrients in the blood.
inappetence فاقِدُ الشَّهِيَّة
lack of desire usually for food.
incision شَقّ
the surgical cutting of soft tissues such as skin or muscles with a knife or scalpel.
incisor قَواطِع
any of the four front teeth in each jaw.
incompetence قُصُوْرُ صِماماتِ القَلْب
impaired function of the valves of the heart or veins which allows backward leakage of blood.
incontinence سَلَس
the inappropriate involuntary passage of urine resulting in wetting.
incubation ( في الأمراض) حَضانَة
the process of development of an egg or a culture of bacteria.
indicanuria وُجُوْدُ الإنديكان في البَول
the presence in the urine of an abnormally high concentration of indican.
indole إندول
a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan excreted in the urine and faeces.
indolent بَطيءُ التَّنامِي
describing a disease process that is failing to heal or has persisted.
indomethacin إندوميثاسين(دواء مضاد للالتهاب)
an anti- inflammatory drug used in the treatment of arthritic conditions.
indoramin إندورامين(دواءٌ خافِضٌ لِلضَّغْط)
an alpha blocker drug used to trat high blood pressure.
indoxyl إندوكسيل
an alchohol derived from indole by bacterial action.
induction تَحْريض حَثّ
the starting of labour by artificial means.
induration جَساوَة
abnormal hardening of a tissue or organ.
inertia عَطالَة
sluggishness or absence of activity in certain smooth muscles.
infant رَضيع
a child in capable of any form of independence from its mother.
infection عَدْوَى
invasion of the body by harmful organisms.
inferiority complex عُقْدَةُ النَّقْص
an unconscious and extreme exaggeration of feelings of insignificance.
infertility عُقْم
inability in a woman to conceive or in a man to induce conception.
Iysozyme خميرة حالة
an enzyme found in tears and egg white.
inflammation الْتِهاب
a local response to cellular injury that is marked by capillary dilatation, leukocytic infiltration, redness, heat, pain, swelling, and often loss of function and that serves as a mechanism initiating the elimination of noxious agents and of damaged tissue.
influenza فيروسُ النَّزْلَةِ الوافِدَة( الأنفلونزا)
any human respiratory infection of undetermined cause.
infundibulum القِمْع(في النُّخامِيَّة)
any of various conical or dilated organs or parts.
infusion تَسْريب
the introducing of a solution (as of glucose or salt) especially into a vein.
ingesta المأكول
material taken into the body by way of the digestive tract.
inhalation اسْتِنْشاق
the action of drawing air into the lungs.
inhibition تَثْبيط
a stopping or checking of a bodily action : a restraining of the function of an organ or an agent.
injection حُقْنَة
the act or an instance of injecting a drug or other substance into the body.
inlay حَشْوَةٌ مَصْبوبَة
a tooth filling shaped to fit a cavity and then cemented into place.
inlet مَدْخَل
the upper opening of a bodily cavity.
innervation تَعْصيب
the distribution of nerves to or in a part.
inotropic مُؤَثِّرٌ في التَّقَلُّصِ العَضَلِيّ
relating to or influencing the force of muscular contractions.
inquest تَحْقيق
a judicial or official inquiry especially before a jury to determine the cause of a violent or unexpected death.
insanity جُنون
a severely disordered state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder.
insomnia أَرَق
prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep.
inspiration شَهيق
the drawing of air into the lungs.
insufficiency قُصور
lack of physical power or capacity; especially : inability of an organ or bodily part to function normally.
insufflation نَفْخ
the act of blowing something (as a gas, powder, or vapor) into a body cavity.
integument (الجِلْد) اللِّحافَةُ
an enveloping layer (as a skin, membrane, or husk) of an organism or one of its parts.
intention الْتِئام
a process or manner of healing of incised wounds.
intertrigo مَذَح
inflammation produced by chafing of adjacent areas of skin.
intima بَاطِنَة(الشِّرْيانِ أو الوَريدِ)
the innermost coat of an organ (as a blood vessel) consisting usually of an endothelial layer backed by connective tissue and elastic tissue.
intoxication تَسَمُّم
an abnormal state that is essentially a poisoning.
intrinsic factor العامِلُ الدَّاخِلِيّ
a substance produced by the normal gastrointestinal mucosa that facilitates absorption of vitamin B12.
intubation تَنْبيب
the introduction of a tube into a hollow organ (as the trachea or intestine) to keep it open or restore its patency if obstructed.
intumescence انْتِباج
the action or process of becoming enlarged or swollen.
invagination انْغِلاَف
the formation of a gastrula by an infolding of part of the wall of the blastula.
inversion انْقِلاَب شُذوذ
a dislocation of a bodily structure in which it is turned partially or wholly inside out.
involucrum كساء عظمي
a formation of new bone about a sequestrum.
involution أَوب
a shrinking or return to a former
jacksonia epilepsy صرع جاكسوني
A form of focal epilepsy in which a seizure progresses from the distal to the proximal muscles.
jam يسد
To block, congest, or clog.
janiceps مُزْدَوِجُ الوَجْه مسخ
A set of conjoined twins whose heads are fused together.
jaundice يرقان
Yellowish discoloration of the whites of the eyes and skins.
jaw فك
Two bones structures that form the framework of the mouth and hold the teeth.
jejunal صائمي
Relating to the jejunum.
jejunitis التهاب الصانم
Inflammation of the jejunum.
jejunoplasty رأب الصانم

A corrective surgical procedure on the jejunum.
jejunum المعي الصانم
The section of the small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum.
jerk نفضة
A sudden reflexive or spasmodic muscular movement.
jet injection حقنة بالنفث
A device that uses a high pressure to force the liquid to penetrate the skin.
jocasta complex عقدة جوكاستا
In psychoanalytic theory, a mother's libidinous fixation on a son.
joint مفصل
A point of articulation between two or more bones.
jugal ملحمي
Connected like a yoke.
jugum ملحم
A ridge or furrow connecting two structures.
junction nevus وحمة موصلية
A nevus consisting of nests of melanocytes at the junction of the epidermis and dermis that appear as small, slightly dark-brown.
juvenile pelvis حوض يفعي
A pelvis justo minor in which the bones are slender.


كاليدين kallidin
one that has the same amino acid sequence as bradykinin with a terminal lysine added
كاليكريين (إنزيم خلوي حال)kallikrein
a hypotensive protease that liberates kinins from blood plasma proteins and is used therapeutically for vasodilation.
كاناميسين (مُضادٌّ حَيَوِيّ) kanamycin
a broad-spectrum antibiotic from a Japanese soil bacterium of the genus.
كاولين kaolin
a fine usually white clay that is used in ceramics and refractories, as a filler or extender, and in medicine especially as an adsorbent in the treatment of diarrhea.
انْحِلاَلُ النَّواة karyolysis
dissolution of the cell nucleus with loss of its affinity for basic stains sometimes occurring normally but usually in necrosis.
جُسَيمٌ نَوَوِيّ karyosome
a mass of chromatin in a cell nucleus that resembles a nucleolus.
the base unit of temperature in the International System of Units that is equal to 1/273.16 of the Kelvin scale temperature of the triple point of water and also to the Celsius degree
كيتامين (بَنْجٌ عامٌّ سَريعُ التَّأْثِير) ketamine
a general anesthetic that is administered intravenously and intramuscularly in the form of its hydrochloride C13H16ClNO·HCl
تَوْلِيْدُ الكيتونketogenesis
the production of ketone bodies (as in diabetes mellitus).
نِظامٌ غِذائِيٌّ مُوَلِّدٌ للكيتُون ketogenic diet
diet supplying a large amount of fat and minimal amounts of carbohydrate and protein and used especially formerly in epilepsy to produce a ketosis and alter the degree of bodily alkalinity.
an organic compound with a carbonyl group attached to two carbon atom.
بِيلَةٌ كيتونِيَّة ketonuria
the presence of excess ketone bodies in the urine in conditionsinvolving reduced or disturbed carbohydrate metabolism.
كيتوز ketose
a sugar (as fructose) containing one ketone group per molecule.
كُلْيَة ٌkidney
one of a pair of vertebrate organs situated in the body cavity near the spinal column that excrete waste products of metabolism.
كيناز kinase
any of various enzymes that catalyze the transfer of phosphate groups from a high-energy phosphate-containing molecule (as ATP or ADP) to a substrate.
عِلْمُ الحَرَكات kinematics
a branch of physics that deals with aspects of motion apart from considerations of mass and force.
كاينين kinin
a branch of physics that deals with aspects of motion apart from considerations of mass and force.
الكلِبْسيلَّة(نوع من الجراثيم) klebsiella
a genus of nonmotile gram-negative rod-shaped and frequently encapsulated bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae that include causative agents of respiratory and urinary infections.
هَوَسُ السَّرِقَة kleptomania
a persistent neurotic impulse to steal especially without economic motive.
رُكْبَة knee
a joint in the middle part of the human leg that is the articulation between the femur, tibia, and patella.
لَطَع kraurosis
atrophy and shriveling of the skin or mucous membrane especially of the vulva where it is often a precancerous lesion.
الكورو(مَرَضٌ عَصَبِيٌّ مُميت) kuru
a rare progressive fatal spongiform encephalopathy that is caused by a prion, resembles Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and has occurred among tribespeople in eastern New Guinea who engaged in a form of ritual cannibalism.
مِخْطاطُ التَّمَوُّج kymograph
a device which graphically records motion or pressure.
الحُدَاب kyphosis
exaggerated outward curvature of the thoracic region of the spinal column resulting in a rounded upper back.

labeling: التعريف
The process of naming a category of exceptionality.
Landau reflux: . جزر عربة
An infantile, automatic posture in which the head and trunk extend
when the baby is held in a prone position with the examiner's hands under the trunk
lapse: الخطأ
Termination of an insurance policy due to non-payment of renewal premiums.
large for gestational age (LGA): . كبير للعمر الحملي
When the weight of a newborn is greater than
the 90th percentile acceptable norms for the particular gestational age
laryngeal webbing: شريط تنجيد
When a membrane grows between the true vocal cords. It's
presence results in a voice disorder that not only affects phonation, but can cause a blockage of the airway. These people experience shortness of breath and a higher-pitched
than usual voice with some hoarseness. These webs must be surgically removed, followed by subsequent voice therapy.
larynx: الحنجرة
The portion of the throat that contains the vocal mechanism.
laser cane: . قصب ليزر
A mobility device for people who are blind that converts infrared light
into sound as light beams strike objects
latent schizophrenia: . داء الفصام المستتر
Having clear symptoms of schizophrenia, but no history of
psychotic schizophrenic episodes. Sometimes designated as incipient, prepsychotic, pseudoneurotic, pseudopsychopathic or borderline schizophrenia.
lead agency: الوكالة الرئيسية
The agency (office) within a state or territory in charge of overseeing
and coordinating early childhood programs and services.
learning disability (LD): صعوبة تعلّم
A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language, spoken or written, which may
manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations. The term includes, but is not limited to conditions such as perceptual handicaps, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. The term does not include children who have learning problems which are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor handicaps; mental retardation; emotional disturbance; or environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantages.
legal advocacy: . الدفاع القانوني
Litigating and legislating to establish the legal rights of
developmentally disabled persons and to insure that those rights are not violated. This form of advocacy may be used to benefit individuals or classes of people.
legal rights: . الحقوق القانونية
Rights which are given to citizens of the United States because of specific laws which have been passed. These laws clarify how many of your human and civil rights are to be protected
legally blind: فاقد البصر قانونيا
It refers to a person having less than 20/200 vision in the better eye
(with correction) or a very limited field of vision (peripheral or tunnel vision) of 20 degrees or less. To have vision of 20/200 means that the person sees at twenty feet what a person with good vision sees at two hundred feet. This term is used in the educational context to describe students with visual impairments.
length: الطول
Measurement. Distance from the crown of the head to the bottom of the feet when a person is lying down on their back.
lens: العدسة
The clear structure in the eye that focuses light rays on the retina.
lesion: الأذى
Injury or loss of function.
Letter of Intent: رسالة النية
This is one of the most important documents of an estate plan. In
this very personal letter, parents will express their hopes and desires for their child's
future care.
leukemia: اللوكيميا
A condition in which there is an abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells present in the blood. Also known as cancer of the blood, it's primary impact is on the blood-forming organs.
liability insurance: تأمين مسؤولية
A kind of insurance which provides a benefit payable on behalf
of a covered party who is held legally responsible (liable) for harming others or their property.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW): موظف الخدمات إجتماعية السريري المجاز
Certification by a state as alicensed clinical social worker. Such licensure often requires at least two years
experience with a direct client caseload under supervision. See also "Association of Certified Social Worker (ACSW)" and "Registered Clinical Social Worker (RCSW)".
life cycle/family cycle: دورة حياة / دورة عائلية
The sequence of developmental and non developmental changes that affect families. These changes alter family characteristics and family functions. These changes, in turn, influence how the family interacts.
life insurance: التأمين على الحياة
A type of insurance which provides a sum of money if the person
who is insured dies while the policy is in effect.
lip pursing: زمّ الشفة
A purse-string positioning of the lips and cheeks; the cheeks and lip
corners are slightly retracted for abnormal stability while the central portions of the lips
are semi-protruded and appear to be puckering.
low birth weight: . الوزن المنخفض عند الولادة
A term applied to babies that weight 5 1/2 pounds (2,500 grams)
or less at birth. Low birth weight infants are of two different types: those who are born too small because they are born to soon, and those who are born on time, but are too small for their gestational age.
low tone deafness: طرش النغمة المنخفض
Low frequency hearing loss; inability to hear low notes or
low tone hypotonic: . النغمة المنخفضة ضعيفة
Having poor muscle tone, appearing floppy.
lymphocyte: . الخلية اللمفية
A type of white blood cell.
lymphoma: . ورم الغدد اللمفاوية
A type of blood-related cancer that is localized in lymph nodes

maceration تَعَطُّن
the softening of a solid by leaving it immersed in aliquid.
macrocyte كُرَيَّةٌ حَمْرَاءُ كِبْرَوِيَّة
an exceptionally large red blood cell occurring chiefly in anemias (as pernicious anemia).
macrodactyly ضَخامَةُ الأَصابِع
abnormally large size of one or more of fingers or toes.
macroglossia ضَخامَةُ اللِّسان
an abnormally large tongue.
macromelia ضَخامَةُ الأَطْراف
abnormally large size of arms or legs.
macropsia رُؤْيَةٌ ضَخامِيَّة
A condition in which objects appear larger than they really are.
macula بُقْعَة
small anatomical area that is distinguished from surrounding tissue.
madura foot قَدَمٌ مادورِيَّة
an infection of the tissues and bones of the foot producing chronic inflammation occurring in the tropics.
maggot (يَرَقَة حشرة في اللحم المتفسِّخ) نَغَفَة
the wormlike larva of a fly which occasionally infests human tissues.
malabsorption مُتَلاَزِمَةُ سوءِ الامْتِصاص
a state in which absoption of one or more substances by the small intestine is reduced.
malaise وَعْكَة
a general feeling of being unwell.
malingering تَمارُض
pretending to be ill usually in order to avoid work or gain attention.
malleus المِطْرَقَة
a hammer-shaped bone in the middle ear that articulates with the incus and is attached to the eardrum.
malocclusion سوءُ الإِطْباق أسنان
the condition in which the upper and lower teeth are abnormally related.
malposition سوءُ التَّوَضُّع
an abnormal position of the fetal head when this is presenting part in labour.
malpractice سوءُ المُمارَسَة
the condition in which the presenting part of the fetus is other than the head.
mammography تَصْويرُ الثَّدْيِ الشُّعاعِيّ
the making of x ray or infrared ray photographs of the breast.
mandible القَوسُ السِّنْخِيَّةُ لِلْفَكّ
the lower jawbone.
manometer مِقْياسُ الضَّغْط
a device for measuring pressure in a liquid or gas.
manubrium قَبْضَة
the upper section of the breastbone.
maprotiline مابْروتيلين(دَواءٌ مُضاد لِلاكْتِئاب)
a drug used to treat all types of depression.
massage تَدْليك
manipulation of the soft tissues of the body with hands.
maturation يُنْضِج
the process of attaining full development.
meatus صِماخ
a passage or opening.
meconism إِدْمانُ الأَفُيون
poisoning from the effects of eating or smoking.
media المُتَوَسِّط الوَريدُ
the middle layer of the wall of a vein or artery.
median الرَّباطُ المُقَوَّسُ النَّاصِف
situated in or towards the plane that divides the body into right and left halves.
medication دَواء
a substance administered by mouth applied to the body or introduced into the body for the purpose of treatment.
medulloblastoma وَرَمٌ أَرومِيٌّ نُخاعِيّ(في المُخَيخ)
cerebral tumour that occurs during childhood.
mefloquine ميفْلوكِين(دَواءٌ مضادٌّ للملاريا)
a drug used in the treatment of malaria that is resistant to other drugs.
mefruside ميفْروسِيد(دَواءٌ مُدِرّ للبَوْل)
a thiazide like diuretic used to treat high blood pressure and get rid of body fluid.
megacolon تَضَخُّمُ القَوْلُوْن
dilatation and sometimes lengthening of the colon.
megaloblast الأَرومَةُ الضَّخْمَة
an abnormal form of any of the cells that are precursors of red blood cells.
melanin ملانين
a dark brown to black pigment occurring in the hair, the skin and in the iris and choroid layer of the eyes.
melanonychia تملن الظفر
blackening of the nails with the pigment melanin.
melanuria بيلة ميلانية
the presence of dark pigment in the urine.
meningioma سحاؤوم ( ورم سحائي)
a tumour arising from the fibrous covering of the brain and spinal cord.
meningism تهيج سحائي
ttiffness of the neck mimicking that found in meningitis.
meningoencephalitis اِلْتِهابُ السَّحايا و الدِّماغِ النُّكافِيّ
inflammation of the brain and its membranous coverings caused by bacterial infection.
menses الحيض
the blood and other materials discharged from the uterus at menstruation.
Meprobamate ميبروبامات(دَواءٌ مَهَدِّىءٌ وَمُضادٌّ للاخْتِلاَج)
a mild tranquilizer used to relieve anxiety and nervous tension.
mesial إِنْسِيّ أسنان
designating the surface of a tooth towards the midline of the jaw.

rabies السعار
An infectious, highly fatal disease of warm blooded animals that attacks central nerves system.
racemose عنقودي الشكل
Having or growing in a branching manner that resembles a branch of grapes.
rad راد(وحدة الإشعاع)
A unit of energy absorbed from ionizing radiation.
radiad صوب الجانب الكعبري
In a direction toward the radial side.
radial شاع
Relating to, or near the radius or forearm.
radiate يشع
To spread out in all direction.
radiculitis التهاب جذور الأعصاب
Inflammation of the intradural portion of a spinal nerve prior to its entrance into the intervertebral foramen.
radioactive ذو نشاط إشعاعي
Of or exhibiting radioactivity.
radiobiology علم الأحياء البيولوجي
The study of the effects of radiation on living organisms.
radiograph صورة إشعاعية
An image produced on a radiosensitive surface, such as a photographic film.
radioimmunity مناعة إشعاعية
Reduced sensitivity to radiation.
radiology علم الأشعة
The branch of medicine that deals with the use of radioactive substances in diagnosis and treatment of disease.
radioresistant مقاوم للأشعة
Not susceptible to destruction by exposure to radiation in the usual usage range.
radiotherapy المداوة بالأشعة
Treatment of disease with radiation, especially by selective irradiation with x-rays.
radium الراديم
Symbol Ra, highly radioactive metallic element, and formally used in cancer radiotherapy.
ramose متشعب
Having many branches; branching.
range مدى، مجال
In statistics, the difference or interval between the smallest and largest values in a frequency distribution.
ranine ضفدعي
Relating to or characteristic of frogs.
raphe خط الملتقى
A seam-like line or ridge between two similar parts of a body organ.
rarefaction تخلخل
A decrease in density and pressure in a medium, such as air, caused by the passage of a sound wave.
raspatory جادوف
An instrument used for scraping bone.
rate معدل
A quantity measured with respect to another measured quantity.
ratio نسبة
Relating in degree or number between similar things.
rational عقلاني
Influenced by reasoning rather than by emotion.
ray شعاع
A narrow beam of light or other electromagnetic radiation.
react يستجيب
To act in response to a stimulus.
reagent كاشف مفاعل
A substance used in a chemical reaction to detect, measure or produce other substance.
reagin ضدي
An antibody found in the blood of individuals having a genetic predisposition to allergies.
reamer موسع الثقوب
A rotating tool used to shape or enlarge holes.
receotor مستقبل
A specialized cell or group of nerve endings that responds to sensory stimuli.
recess تجويف صغير
A small hollow or an indented area.
recidivism مرض تكرار الجريمة
A tendency to lapse into a previous pattern of behavior.
recipe وصفة
The heading that is used to indicate a medical prescription.
recognition إدراك
An awareness that something perceived has been perceived before.
recombination تأشيب
The natural formation in offspring of genetic combinations not parents in the processes of crossing over.
record يسجل
To set down for preservation in writing or other permanent form.
recovery room غرفة الإفاقة
A hospital room equipped for the care and observation of patients immediately following surgery.
rectal مستقيمي
Relating to, or situated near the rectum.
rectify يستقيم
To set right; correct.
recumbent مستلق
Lying down, especially in a position of comfort.
recurrence رجعة
A return of symptoms as part of the natural progress of a disease.
red blood cell كريات الدم الحمراء
A disk-shaped, biconcave cell in the blood that contains hemoglobin.
reduce يقلل
To bring down, as in extent, amount, or degree.
reductant عامل اختزال
A reducing agent.
reduplication تضاعف
A redoubling.
referred pain ألم محول
Pain that is felt in a part of the body at a distance from its area of origin.
reflect ينعكس
To throw or bend back light, heat, or sound form a surface.
reflux جزر
A flowing back.
refract يغير الاتجاه
To deflect something, especially light, from straight path of refraction.
refracture كسر العظم ثانيا
The braking of a bone that has united after a previous fracture.
refrigerant مبرد
Cooling or freezing.
refrigeration تبريد
The act or process of cooling a substance.
Regrowth of lost or destroyed parts or organs.
regimen حمية
A regulated system, of a diet exercise, intended to promote health.
region منطقة
An area of the body having natural or arbitrary boundaries.
regulate ينظم
To control or direct according to rule or law.
rehabilitant خاضع للتأهيل
One who is undergoing rehabilitation, as for a disability.
reinfection تجدد العدوى
infection following recovery from or superimposed on a previous infection of the same type.
reinforcement تعزيز
The act or processes of reinforcement.
relapse نكسة
A recurrence of symptoms of a disease after a period of improvement.
relation علاقة
An aspect or quality that connects two or more things or parts as being or belonging or working together.
relaxant يخفف التوتر
Of, relating to, or producing relaxation.
relaxation استرخاء
The act of relaxing or state of being relaxed.
relieve يخفف الألم
To bring about the removal or alleviation of (pain or discomfort).
remineralization استرداد المعادن إلى الجسم
The restoring of minerals to demineralized structures or substances.
reniform كلوية الشكل
Suggesting a kidney in outline.
renography تصوير الكلية بالأشعة
Radiography of the kidney.
repair يصلح
To restore to a sound or healthy state.
repellent دافع
Serving or tending to drive away or ward off.
repletion امتلاء
The condition of being fully supplied or completely filled.
replication إعادة
The action or process of reproducing or duplicating.
repression كبت
A process by which unacceptable desires or impulses are excluded from consciousness and left to operate in the unconscious.
repressive كابت
Tending to repress or to cause repression.
reproduction توالد
The act or process of reproducing or the condition of being reproduced.
repulsion تنافر
The tendency of some linked genetic characters to be inherited separately.
resection استئصال جزئي
The surgical removal of part of an organ or structure.
resectoscope منظار القطع
An instrument consisting of a tubular fenestrated sheath with a sliding knife within it that is used for surgery within cavities.
reserve ادخار
Something stored or kept available for future use or need.
resident ساكن
A physician serving a residency.
residual باق
Of, relating to, or being something that remains
resistance مقاومة
The capacity of an organism to defend itself against a disease.
resolution عزم
The subsiding or termination of an abnormal condition, such as fever or an inflammation.
resolvent مبدد
Having power to resolve.
resorb يمتص مجددا
To absorb again.
respirable صالح للتنفس
Fit for breathing.
respiration تنفسي
The movement of respiratory gases (as oxygen and carbon dioxide) into and out of the lungs.
rest استراحة
A state of repose or sleep.
restenosis عودة التضييق
The reoccurrence of stenosis in a blood vessel or heart valve after it has been treated.
restitution استرجاع
A return to or restoration of a previous state or position.
restoration ترميم
The act of restoring or the condition of being restored.
retainer أداة لتثبيت الوضع
The part of a dental replacement (as a bridge) by which it is made fast to adjacent natural teeth.
retch غثيان
To make an effort to vomit.
retention إمساك
Abnormal retaining of a fluid or secretion in a body cavity.
reticulum نسيج شبكي
A fine network formed by cells, formed by certain structures within cells.
retinitis التهاب الشبكية
Inflammation of the retina.
retractile قابل للانكماش
Capable of being drawn back or in.
retrocession تراجع
Abnormal backward displacement.
retroocular خلف العين
Situated or occurring behind the eye.
retropulsion اندفاع خلفي
A disorder of locomotion associated especially with Parkinson's disease that is marked by a tendency to walk backwards.
reversal انعكاس
An act or the process of reversing.
rhagades شقوق جلدية
Linear cracks or fissures in the skin occurring especially at the angles of the mouth.
rheometer مقياس التيار
An instrument for measuring flow.
rib ضلع
One of a series of long curved occurring in 12 pairs in human.
ricin خروع
A poisonous protein in the castor bean.
rickets كساح
A deficiency disease that affects the young during the period of skeletal growth, is characterized especially by soft and deformed bones.
ridge حيد
A raised or elevated part and especially a body part.
rigidity تصلب
Abnormal stiffness of muscle.
rigor قشعريرة
Shivering or trembling, as caused by a child.
ring خاتم
A circular object, form or arrangement with a vacant circular center.
risk مجازفة
possibility of loss, injury, disease, or death.
rod عصية
A straight slender cylindrical formation.
rosacea وردية
A chronic inflammatory disorder involving especially the skin of the nose, forehead, and cheeks.
roseola طفح وردي
A rose-colored skin rash, sometimes occurring in disease such as measles.
rotation دوران
The action or process of rotating on or as if on an axis or center.
rotatory دوراني
Of, relating to, or producing rotation
rub احتكاك
The application of friction with pressure
rubeosis الاحمرار
A condition characterized by abnormal redness
rubor احمرار
Redness of the skin
rudiment عضو بدئي
An organ or part just beginning to develop
ruga تجعيده
An anatomical fold or wrinkle especially of the viscera
rugose خشن
Having many wrinkles
rust صدأ
The reddish brittle coating formed on iron especially when chemically attacked by moist air.


كيس sac
a soft-walled anatomical cavity usually having a narrow opening or none at all and often containing a special fluid.
العنق saccule
a little sac; specifically : the smaller chamber of the membranous labyrinth of the ear.
العَجُز sacrum
the part of the spinal column that is directly connected with or forms a part of the pelvis by articulation with the ilia.
ساركومة sarcoma
a malignant tumor arising in tissue of mesodermal origin that spreads by extension into neighboring tissue or by way of the bloodstream.
سَهْمِيّ sagittal
of, relating to, or being the sagittal suture of the skull.
حَمْضُ السَّاليسيليك salicylic acid
a crystalline phenolic acid C7H6O3 that is the ortho form of hydroxybenzoic acid and is used especially in making pharmaceuticals and dyes, as an antiseptic and disinfectant especially in treating skin diseases, as a keratolytic agent for skin exfoliation, and in the form of salts and other derivatives as an analgesic and antipyretic and in the treatment of rheumatism

التَّسَمُّمُ بالسَّاليسيلات salicylism
toxic condition produced by the excessive intake of salicylic acid or salicylates and marked by ringing in the ears, nausea, and vomiting.
مِلْحِي saline
consisting of or containing salt.
لُعاب saliva
a slightly alkaline secretion of water, mucin, protein, salts, and often a starch-splitting enzyme (as ptyalin) that is secreted into the mouth by salivary glands, lubricates ingested food, and often begins the breakdown of starches
إِلْعاب salivation
the act or process of salivating.
سَلْمونيلَة salmonella
any bacterium of the genus Salmonella
اسْتِئْصالُ البُوْق salpingectomy
surgical excision of a fallopian tube
الْتِهابُ البُوْق( في الرحم) salpingitis
inflammation of a fallopian or eustachian tube.
فيروسُ حُمَّى الفَواصِد sandfly fever
a virus disease of brief duration that is characterized by fever, headache, pain in the eyes, malaise, and leucopenia.
قَرْو sarcocele
fleshy swelling of the testicle resembling a tumor.
متعلق بالسَّاركويد sarcoid
of, relating to, resembling, or being sarcoid or sarcoidosis.
القارِمَة (جِنْسٌ مِنَ الحَلَم) sarcoptes
a genus of whitish itch mites that is the type genus of the family Sarcoptidae. العَضَلَةُ الخَيَّاطِيَّةsartorius mcscle
muscle that arises from the anterior superior iliac spine, crosses the front of the thigh obliquely to insert on the upper part of the inner surface of the tibia.
جِنْسٌ مِنَ الحَيَوَاناتِ الأَوالِي الكُرَوِيَّة .
a genus of sporozoan protozoans of the order Sarcosporidia that form cysts in vertebrate muscle.
المُسْتَلْحِمَة (جِنْسٌ مِنَ الذُّباب) sarcophage
the type genus of the family Sarcophagidae comprising typical flesh flies.
شبيه بالانسجة sarcoid
of, relating to, resembling, or being sarcoid or sarcoidosis.
شُبَاق satyriasis
excessive or abnormal sexual desire in the male.
تَصَحُّن(في كسور الفقرة) saucerization
the operation of saucerizing something
جُلْبَة scab
scabies of domestic animals.
السِّقَالَة scala
any of the three spirally arranged canals into which the bony canal of the cochlea is partitioned by the vestibular and basilar membranes and which comprise the scala media, scala tympani, and scala vestibule.
سَمْط ( حَرْقٌ بِالسَّائِلِ المَغْلِيّ) scald
to burn with hot liquid or steam.
العَضَلَةُ الأَخْمَعِيَّة scalenus
one arising from the transverse processes of the third to sixth cervical vertebrae, inserting on the scalene tubercle of the first rib, and functioning to bend the neck forward and laterally and to rotate it to the side.
مِقْلَحَة أسنان scaler
any of various dental instruments for removing tartar from teeth.
مِبْضَع scalpel
a small straight thin-bladed knife used especially in surgery.
تفريسة scan
to make a scan of in order to detect the presence or localization of radioactive material.
نَدْبَة scar
a mark left (as in the skin) by the healing of injured tissue.
القِرْمِزِيَّة scarlatina
an acute contagious febrile disease caused by Group A bacteria of the genus Streptococcus and characterized by inflammation of the nose, throat, and mouth, generalized toxemia, and a red rash.
كَتِفِيّ scapular
of, relating to, or affecting the shoulder or scapula.
تَثْبيتُ الكَتِف scapulopexy
a surgical procedure in which the scapula is attachedto a rib or vertebra.
تَكاثُرٌ انْشِطارِيّ schizogony
asexual reproduction by multiple segmentation characteristic of sporozoans.
المُتَقَسِّمَة( من الطُّفَيْلِيَّات)schizont
a multinucleate sporozoan that reproduces by schizogony.
عِرْقُ النَّسا sciatica
pain along the course of a sciatic nerve especially in the back of the thigh caused by compression, inflammation, or reflex mechanisms.
تَفْريسَةٌ وَمَضانِيَّة scintigram
a picture produced by scintigraphy
وَمَّاض scintillator
a device for sending out scintillations of light.
تَصَلُّبُ الأَصابِع sclerodactylia
scleroderma of the fingers and toes
وَرَمٌ صُلْب scleroma
hardening of tissues.
تَصَلُّب sclerosis
a pathological condition in which a tissue has become hard and which is produced by overgrowth of fibrous tissue and other changes or by increase in interstitial tissue and other changes.
رُؤَيْس scolex
the head of a tapeworm either in the larva or adult stage from which the proglottids are produced by budding.
جَنَف scoliosis
a lateral curvature of the spine.
سكوبولامين( هَيُوسين )scopolamine
a poisonous alkaloid C17H21NO4 similar to atropine that is found in various solanaceous plants and is used chiefly in the form of its hydrated hydrobromide C17H21NO4·HBr·3H2O for its anticholinergic effects.
أَبْثَع scorbutic
of, relating to, producing, or affected with scurvy.
متعلق أو مصاب بالرُّؤْيَةِ اللَّيلِيَّة scotopic
of, relating to, being, or suitable for scotopic vision.
قناة فالوب salping
fallopian tube
استئصال قنوات فالوب salpingectomy
surgical excision of a fallopian tube.
يتعلق بلوح الكتف scapular
of, relating to, or affecting the shoulder or scapula.
تثبيت لوح الكتف جراحيا scapulopexy
a surgical procedure in which the scapula is attached to a rib or vertebra.
استئصال الصلبة sclerectomy
surgical removal of a part of the sclera.
تصلب الاصابع واطرافها sclerodactylia
scleroderma of the fingers and toes.
ورم حميد بالصلبة scleroma
a usually slowly progressive disease marked by the deposition of fibrous connective tissue in the skin and often in internal organs and structures, by hand and foot pain upon exposure to cold, and by tightening and thickening of the skin.
جفاف الجلد sclerosis
a pathological condition in which a tissue has become hard and which is produced by overgrowth of fibrous tissue and other changes or by increase in interstitial tissue and other changes.
علاج الصلبة sclerotherapy
the injection of a sclerosing agent into a varicose vein to produce inflammation and scarring which closes the lumen and is followed by shrinkage.
مشرط الصلبةsclerotome
the ventral and mesial portion of a somite that proliferates mesenchyme which migrates about the notochord to form the axial skeleton and ribs.
عتامة الرؤية بالعين scotoma
a spot in the visual field in which vision is absent or deficient.
فتق بالخصية scrotocele
a scrotal hernia.
ترقيع كيس الخصية scrotoplasty
plastic surgery performed on the scrotum.
انفصام schiz
characterized by or involving cleavage
انفصام الشخصية schizophrenia
a psychotic disorder characterized by loss of contact with the environment, by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life, and by disintegration of personality expressed as disorder of feeling, thought ,perception, and behavior.
مريض بانفصام الشخصية schizophrenic
relating to, characteristic of, or affected with schizophrenia.
شبيه بالانفصام schizoid
characterized by, resulting from, tending toward, or suggestive of schizophrenia.
خَنازير( تورم التهابي سُلِّيٌّ المنشأ) scrofula
tuberculosis of lymph nodes especially in the neck.
سكرُوبِل ( 1.296 غرام) scruple
a unit of apothecaries' weight equal to 20 grains or 1/3 dram or 1.296 grams.
البَثَع(عوز الفيتامين) scurvy
a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C and characterized by spongy gums, loosening of the teeth, and bleeding into the skin and mucous membranes.
بَعْرَة scybalum
a hardened fecal mass
دُوارُ البَحْر seasickness
motion sickness experienced on the water.
Seborrhea (مَثَّ الرَّجُلُ: رُئِيَ على جلده مثل الدهن)
abnormally increased secretion and discharge of sebum producing an oily appearance of the skin and the formation of greasy scales.
زُهْم( الزُّهْم:الشَّحم) sebum
fatty lubricant matter secreted by sebaceous glands of the skin.
سِكريتين secretin
an intestinal proteinaceous hormone capable of stimulating secretion by the pancreas and liver
تَهْدِئَة sedation
the inducing of a relaxed easy state especially by the use of sedatives.
قطعة segment
one of the constituent parts into which a body, entity, or quantity is divided or marked off by or as if by natural boundaries.
سلينيوم selenium
a nonmetallic element that resembles sulfur and tellurium chemically, causes poisoning in range animals when ingested by eating some plants growing in soils in which it occurs in quantity, and occurs in allotropic forms of which a gray stable form varies in electrical conductivity with the intensity of its illumination and is used in electronic devices.
مبحث الأعراض semeiology
the study of signs.
منيوم ( ورمٌ منوي) seminoma
a germinoma of the testis
سَنا (الأوراق الجافة لنبات السنا )senna
any plant of the genus Cassia; especially one used medicinally
حِسّ sensation
a mental process due to immediate bodily stimulation often as distinguished from awareness of the process.
the sensory mechanisms constituting a unit distinct from other functions.
تقيح sepsis
a systemic response typically to a serious usually localized infection especially of bacterial origin that is usually marked by abnormal body temperature and white blood cell count, tachycardia, and tachypnea.
تقيح الدم septicemia
invasion of the bloodstream by virulent microorganisms from a focus of infection that is accompanied by acute systemic illness.
Sequestrum وَشيظ
a fragment of dead bone detached from adjoining sound bone.
لقاح sero
علم اللقاح serology
a medical science dealing with blood sera and especially their immunological reactions and properties.
مكون من صديد و لقاح seropurulent
consisting of a mixture of serum and pus.
sheath غِمْدُ المُقْلَة
an investing cover or case of a plant or animal body or body part.
عِلْمُ الجِنْسsexology
The study of sexual matters , including anatomy , physiology , behaviour , and techniques.
هِرْبِسٌ نُطاقِيّShingles
an infestation of the digestive system by bacteria of the genus shigella ,causing bacillary dysentery.
الغدة اللعابية sial
عامل ينشط افراز اللعاب sialagogue
an agent that promotes the flow of saliva.
سيليكون silic
relating to or containing silicon or its compounds.
هَيْكَل skeleton
the straight or branched chain or ring of atoms that forms the basic structure of an organic molecule
جلد skin
the 2 layered covering of the body consisting of an outer ectodermal epidermis that is more or less cornified and penetrated by the openings of sweat and sebaceous glands and an inner mesodermal dermis that is composed largely of connective tissue and is richly supplied with blood vessels and nerves.
جُمْجُمَة skull
the skeleton of the head forming a bony case that encloses and protects the brain and chief sense organs and supports the jaws.
مِعْلاَق sling
a hanging bandage suspended from the neck to support an arm or hand.
انْزِلاَقُ القُرْص(الفِقْرِيّ) slipped disc
a colloquial term for a prolapsed intervertebral disc.
مِصْباحٌ شَقِّيّ slit lamp
A divce for providing a narrow beam of, light , used in conjunction with a special microscope.
نَوم sleep
the natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored.
material spread on a surface also : a preparation made by spreading material on a surface.
an acute contagious febrile disease of humans that is caused by a poxvirus of the genus Orthopoxvirusis characterized by skin eruption with pustules, sloughing, and scar formation, and is believed to have been eradicated globally by widespread vaccination.
a surgical instrument consisting usually of a wire loop constricted by a mechanism in the handle and used for removing tissue masses.
ذَنِين snuffles
disease of the upper respiratory tract of rabbits that is often a precursor of pneumonia.
قرحة sore
causing, characterized by, or affected with pain.
Social medicine
public health medicine.
a silver white soft waxy ductile element of the alkali metal group that occurs abundantly in nature in combined form and is very active chemically.
sodium fluoride
a salt of Sodium to prevent tooth decay.
جَسَدّ soma
the body of an organism
جسد somat
the body .
تَكَلُّمٌ نَومِيّ somniloquence
talking in one’s sleep.
تنويم somnolism
a hypnotic trance.
صائِنٌ الحَيِّز أسنان space maintainer
An orthodontic appliance that maintains an existing space in the dentition.
مُرْقِد(الشيء يُشرَب فيُنَوَّم من شربه) soporific
. the male impregnating fluid
تكوين المنى spermatogenesis
the process of male gamete formation including formation of a primary spermatocyte from a spermatogonium, meiotic division of the spermatocyte, and transformation of the four resulting spermatids into spermatozoa.
يكون المنى spermatogenic
of, relating to, or constituting spermatogenesis.
الكيس المنوي spermatocele
a cystic swelling of the ducts in the epididymis or in the rete testis usually containing spermatozoa.
تدفق المنى spermatorrhea
abnormally frequent or excessive emission of semen without orgasm.
رِباطٌ سُنْبُلِيُّ الشَّكْل spica
a bandage that is applied in successive V-shaped crossings and is used to immobilize a limb especially at a joint; also : such a bandage impregnated with plaster of paris.
مِغْزَل spindle
something shaped like a round stick or pin with tapered ends: as a : a network of chiefly microtubular fibers along which the chromosomes are distributed during mitosis and meiosis
a primitive usually unicellular often environmentally resistant dormant or reproductive body

mesocolon مِسْرَاقُ القَوْلون
the fold of peritoneum by which the colon is fixed to posterior abdominal wall.

nacreous صدفي
having a pearly appearance.
nail ظفر، مخلب
A structure (as a claw) that terminates a digit and corresponds to a nail.
naja الحية الناشرة
A genus of elapid snakes comprising the true cobras.
nanogram نانوغرام، جزء من بليون
One billionth of a gram -- abbreviation ng.
nape نقرة الرقبة
The back of the neck.
naphthalene نفثالين
A crystalline aromatic hydrocarbon C10H8 usually obtained by distillation of coal tar and used especially in organic synthesis and formerly as a topical and intestinal antiseptic.
narcissism النرجسية
Love of or sexual desire for one's own body.
narcoanalysis التحلل التخديري
Psychotherapy that is performed under sedation for the recovery of repressed memories and emotions.
narcoma غشية المخدر
Stupor that is induced by a narcotic.
narcoticism إدمان
addiction to narcotics such as, heroin, or morphine.
nasal أنفي
Of, or relating to the nose.
nascent وليد ناشئ
coming or having recently come into existence
natal متعلق بالولادة
Relating to, or accompanying birth.
native أصلي
Living or growing naturally in a particular region
naturopathy المعالجة بالطبيعة
System of treatment of disease that avoids drugs and surgery.
navel سرة
A depression in the middle of the abdomen that marks the point of former attachment of the umbilical cord to the embryo.
nearsighted قصير النظر
Able to see near things more clearly than distant ones
nearthrosis مفصل صنعي
A new joint resulting from a total joint replacement operation.
neck رقبة
The part of the body joining the head to the shoulders or trunk.
necrosis النخرة
Death of living cells or tissue.
needle ابرة
A slender, usually shaped pointed instrument used fro puncturing tissues.
negative سلبي
Consisting of negation, refusal or denial.
negatron الكترون
An electron with a negative charge as contrasted with a positron.
neoblastic متكون من نسيج جديد
Developing in or characterized of new tissue.
neogenesis تكون
Regeneration of tissue.
neonate حديث الولادة
A neonatal infant.
neoteny امتداد الطفولة
The attainment of sexual maturity by an organism still in its larval stage.
nephralgia ألم كلوي
Pain in the kidney.
nephrectomy استئصال الكلية
Surgical removal of a kidney.
nephroma ورم كلوي
A tumor arising from renal tissue.
nephrosis داء كلوي
Disease of the kidneys.
nerve عصب
Any of the cordlike bundles of nervous tissue.
nervous عصبي
Relating to the nerves or nervous system.
neural متعلق بالعصب أو الاعصاب
Relating to a nerve or the nervous system.
neurimotor محرك العصب
Of, relating to a motor nerve.
neurohistology علم أنسجة الجهاز العصبي
The branch of histology that deals with the nervous system.
neurology طب الاعصاب
The branch of medical science that deals with the nervous system.
neuromyositis التهاب عصبي عضلي
Neuritis with inflammation of the related muscles.
nevoid نظير الشامة
Resembling a nevus.
nevus شامة
A congenital circum-scribed growth or mark on the skin, such as mole.
niche وقب
An eroded or ulcerated area detected by contrast radiography.
nidal عشي
Relating to or characterized of a nidus.
nidus مركز انطلاق المرض
A central point of bacterial growth in a living organism.
nipple حلمة الثدي
The projection at the apex of the mammary gland.
nitrogen نيتروجين
Symbol N A nonmetallic element that constitutes nearly four fifths of the air by volume.
nocturia بول ليلي
Urination at night, especially if excessive.
nocturnal ليلي
Relating to, or occurring in the night.
node عقدة
A knob, knot or swelling.
nomograph مخطط المعادلة
A graph consisting of three coplanar curves, each curve graduated fro a different variable.
nonviable غير قابل للحياة
Not capable of living or developing independently.
normal عادي
Conforming with, or consisting a norm, standard, pattern; typical.
normocytic anemia كريات حمراء سوية
nose أنف
The part of the human face.
nosocomial متعلق بالمستشفى
Relating to a hospital.
nosology علم تصنيف الامراض
The branch of medicine that deals with the classification of disease.
nostril منخل
A naris.
noxious ضار
Harmful to living things; injurious to health.
nuclear نووي
Forming a nucleus.
nuclein بروتين نووي
Any of the substances present in the nucleus of a cell.
nucleon نوية
A proton or a neutron, especially as part of an atomic nucleus.
nurse ممرض
A person trained to care for the sick or disabled people.
nutation تمايل الرأس
The act of nodding the head, especially involuntary.
nutrition تغذية
The process by which a living organism assimilates food and uses it for growth.
nutritive غذائي
Relating to nutrition.
nyctalgia ألم أثناء النوم
Night pain, especially the bone pains occurring at night.
nyctalopia عمى الليل
A condition of the eyes in which vision is normal in daylight but is abnormally weak at night.
nympha الشفر الأصغر
Either of the labia minora.
nyxis بزل
A picking or puncture; paracentesis.


وَسْواسِيّ Obsessive
of, relating to, causing, or characterized by obsession.
إِمْساكٌ مُعَنِّد Obstipation
severe and obstinate constipation.
يُبَلِّدُ الإِحْساس Obtund
to reduce the intensity or sensitivity of make dull .
سِدادَة Obturator
a device that blocks the opening of an instrument that is being introduced into the body.
وَضْعِيَّةٌ Occiput
the back part of the head or skull.
إِطْباقِيّ Occlusal
of, relating to, or being the grinding or biting surface of a tooth; also : of or relating to occlusion of the teeth.
خَفِيّ Occult
not manifest or detectable by clinical methods alone; also : not present in macroscopic amounts.
اسنان Odont
أَلَمٌ سِنِّيّ Odontalgia
َارومَة السِّنِّيَّة Odontoblast
one of the elongated radially arranged outer cells of the dental pulp that secrete dentin
اِلْتِهابُ لُبِّ السِّنOdontitis ّ
inflammation of a tooth.
سِنِّيُّ الشَّكْل Odontoid
having the form of a tooth.
الْتِهابُ المَريء Oesophagitis
inflammation of the esophagus.
المريء Oesophagus
a muscular tube that in adult humans is about nine inches (23 centimeters) long and passes from the pharynx down the neck between the trachea and the spinal column and behind the left bronchus where it pierces the diaphragm slightly to the left of the middle line and joins the cardiac end of the stomach.
إستريول Oestriol
a relatively weak natural estrogenic hormone that is a glycol C18H24O3 found in the body chiefly as a metabolite of estradiol, is the main estrogen secreted by the placenta during pregnancy, and is the estrogen typically found in the urine of pregnant women.
إِسْترون Oestrone
a natural estrogenic hormone that is a ketone C18H22O2 found in the body chiefly as a metabolite of estradiol, is also secreted especially by the ovaries, and is used to treat various conditions (as ovarian failure and menopausal symptoms) relating to estrogen deficiency.
النِّبْرَة(جِنْسُ ذُبابٍ مِنْ فَصيلَةِ النِّبْرِيَّات) Oestrus
a regularly recurrent state of sexual excitability during which the female of most mammals will accept the male and is capable of conceiving .
أوم (الوَحْدَةُ الدُّوَلِيَّةُ لِلمُقاوَمَةِ الكَهْرَبائِيَّة) Ohm
the practical mks unit of electrical resistance equal to the resistance of a circuit in which a potential difference of one volt produces a current of one ampere.
مَرْهَم Ointment
a salve or unguent for application to the skin; specifically : a semisolid medicinal preparation usually having a base of fatty or greasy materiall.
زَيت Oleum
قِلَّةُ حَجْمِ الدَّمOligemia
a condition in which the total volume of the blood is reduced.
قِلَّةُ هيمُوغْلُوبينِ الدَّمOligochromemia
deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood.
قِلَّةُ الكُرَيَّاتِ الحُمْر( فَقْرُ الدَّم)Oligocythemia
deficiency in the total number of red blood cells present in the body.
قَليلُ الجينات Oligogene
a gene that exerts a major effect on a character either as one of two Mendelian alternatives or as one of a few genes controlling a qualitative character .
زَيتونَة Olive
an Old World evergreen tree cultivated for its drupaceous fruit that is an important food and source of oil; also : the fruit.
قَطْعُ الثَّرْب Omentectomy
excision or resection of all or part of an omentum.
تَثْبيتُ الثَّرْب Omentopexy
the operation of suturing the omentum especially to another organ.
الْتِهابُ السُّرَّة Omphalitis
inflammation of the navel.
مُكَوِّنُ الوَرَم Oncogenic
tending to cause tumors Oncology.
الْتِهابُ الظُّفُر Onychia
inflammation of the matrix of a nail often leading to suppuration and loss of the nail.
ظفروم ( ورم ظفري ) Onychoma
a tumor originating from a nail bed.
البَيضَةُ المُتَكَيِّسَة Oocyst
a sporozoan zygote undergoing sporogenous development.
بِزْرَةُ البَيضَة Oogonium
a descendant of a primordial germ cell that gives rise to oocytes.
البَيضَةُ المُتَحَرِّكَة Oookinete
a motile zygote in various protozoans.
اسْتِثَابِيّ علم النفس Operant
of, relating to, or being an operant or operant conditioning.
مَشْغَل (منطقة على الصبغي)Operon
a group of closely linked genes that produces a single messenger RNA molecule in transcription and that consists of structural genes and regulating elements.
a highly addictive drug that consists of the dried milky juice from the seed capsules of the opium poppy obtained from incisions made in the unripe capsules of the plant, that has a brownish yellow color, a faint smell, and a bitter and acrid taste, that is a stimulant narcotic usually producing a feeling of well-being, hallucinations, and drowsiness terminating in coma or death if the dose is excessive, that was formerly used in medicine to soothe pain but is now often replaced by derivative alkaloids or synthetic substitutes, and that is smoked illicitly as an intoxicant with harmful effects.
مُعاكِس Opponens
any of several muscles of the hand or foot that tend to draw one of the lateral digits across the palm or sole toward the others.
مصاقبة Opposition
the placing of things in juxtaposition or proximity; specifically : deposition of successive layers upon those already present.
المَنْسَبُ الطِّهائِي ّOpsonic index
the ratio of the phagocytic index of a tested serum to that of normal serum taken as the unit.
بَصَرِيّ Optic
of or relating to the eye.


palmer grasp: قبضة
A squeezing type of grasp in which the thumb is not involved.
panic attacks: . هجمات رعب
Discrete periods of sudden onset of intense apprehension, fearfulness,
or terror, often associated with feelings of impending doom. During the attacks there are such symptoms as dyspnea (shortness of breath), palpitations, chest pain or discomfort, choking or smothering sensations and fear of going crazy or losing control. Panic attacks are characteristic of panic disorder, but may also occur in somatization disorder, major
depression and schizophrenia
parachute reaction: . ردّ فعل مظلة
The automatic placing of hands on floor when infant is suddenly lowered from the prone position.
paralysis: الشلل
A permanent or temporary loss or impairment of motor function.
paranoia: الذعر
A rare condition characterized by the gradual development of an intricate,
complex and elaborate system of thinking based on (and often proceeding logically from)
misinterpretation of an actual event. A person with paranoia often considers himself endowed with unique and superior ability. Despite its chronic course, this condition does not seem to interfere with thinking and personality. To be distinguished from schizophrenia, paranoid type.
pathology: علم الأمراض
Alterations in an organism caused by disease.
pediatrician: طبيب الأطفال
A medical doctor who specializes in the general health care, childhood
diseases, and treatments of infants and young children.
peer buddies: . رفاق نظير
A peer who "helps" the student through an activity or to move about
through the school building. It is important to distinguish that peer buddies do activities with a student, instead of doing things for the student with a disability.
peer tutor: معلم نظير
A peer who "teachers" and/or develops a skill with a student having a disability. The peer takes an active role in helping expand the student's skills. The peer tutor, participates in the IEP process and can actually be assigned team member status
based on the level of involvement they have with the student having a disability.

produced by plants, fungi, and some microorganisms and capable of developing into a new
individual either directly or after fusion with another spore.
البَوَائِغ sporozoa
protozoans of the class Sporozoa .
مِهْماز spur
a sharp and especially bony outgrowth.
صدفة squama
the curved platelike posterior portion of the occipital bone.
دَور stage
period or step in a process, activity, or development.
الرِّكاب stape
the innermost of the chain of three ossicles in the middle ear of a mammal having the form of a stirrup, a base occupying the oval window of the tympanum, and a head connected with the
ستيرول sterol
any of various solid steroid alcohols widely distributed in animal and plant lipids.
براز stool
a discharge of fecal matter.
دِعَامَة stent
a mold formed from a resinous compound and used for holding a surgical graft in place.


T lymphocytes: . تي خلايا لمفية
A type of white blood cell that attacks infections
tactile: Sense of touch. كثير اللمس
tactile perception: الفهم الكثير اللمس
The ability to interpret and give meaning to sensory stimuli that
are experienced through the sense of touch.
tactile system: النظام الكثير اللمس
Interpret light touch, pressure, temperature, pain, vibration, and two pointsstimuli - through skin/contact receptors.
task: المهمّة
An activity to be done.
task analysis: تحليل مهمّة
Technique of examining a particular task to discover each individual
part of it and the processes needed to perform it; the process of breaking down a task into small component parts.
teacher of the visually handicapped: . معلّم المعاقين بشكل بصري
A person trained and able to meet the
unique educational needs of blind or visually handicapped children. This person may or may not also be trained in regular or early childhood education.
teletypewriter (TTY): . المبرقة الكاتبة
A typewriter that converts typed letters into electric signals which are then sent through telephone lines and printed on another typewriter connected to a phone on the other end. This device is used by people with hearing disorders.
tendon: الوتر
Attaches muscle to bone.
term infant: رضيع تعبير
An infant born between 38 and 40 weeks gestation, some may consider
37 weeks term.
test battery: . بطارية إختبار
The use of a hierarchy of overlapping audiological tests and procedures
to determine auditory status.
test bias: ". تحيّز إختبار
Unfairness in a testing procedure or instrument that gives one group a
particular advantage or another disadvantage, which may be due to matters unrelated to ability, such as culture, sex, or race. See also "measurement bias.
testamentary trust: الثقة الوصائية
This trust document will not go into effect until after the death of the person who requests it. The request is contained in the Will. Any special provisions for the trust are mentioned in the Will, but it will not go into effect until after the Will has been probated. The normal probate period is usually 6 months to 6 years, so the trust will
not be funded until that time.
tetanus: . داء الكزاز
Also known as "lockjaw". A non-contagious disease caused by germs found in the soil which occurs as often in adults as in children, enters the body through wounds, and which can cause muscle spasms, severe nervous system damage, or death.
Immunization with the DTP vaccine protects infants and children against this disease.
Reimmunization is recommended every ten years. See "Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis" for initial immunization schedule.
theory: النظرية
Consists of concepts definitions, statements, and postulates which describe
relationships between concepts. A theory is general and universal in scope; applying
across the boundaries of specific disciplines.
therapeutic abortion: الإجهاض العلاجّي
Termination of a pregnancy when a defect is found in the
fetus during prenatal evaluation.
therapeutic foster care: تتبنّى عناية علاجية
A program that recruits foster parents who work with youth who are seriously emotionally disturbed. This program provides on-going specialized training and support to them.
therapeutic play school: مدرسة المسرحيّة العلاجّية
A type of therapy used in cases of child abuse, which removes them from the circumstances of daily life and serves as a temporary island of reprieve.
therapist: المعالج
A person with special skills, obtained through education and experience, in
one or more areas of health care.
thick liquids: . السوائل السميكة
A nutrition term used when describing dietary instructions. Thick
liquids or nectar thickened with baby cereal, dry baby food, or other commercial thickeners. Used for patients with swallowing problems and aspiration on thinner liquids.
For example, 1/2 cup ice cream plus 2 T. milk shaken up.
threshold of discomfort: . عتبة المضايقة
An uncomfortable loudness level. The minimum loudness level, often for speech, that the listener designates as uncomfortable.
thyroid hormone: الهورمون الدرقّي
Produced by the thyroid gland in the neck, this hormone is required during all phases of development, but particularly during infancy.
tinnitus: الطنين
High-pitched throbbing or ringing sounds in the ear, usually heard only by the affected person. Tinnitus is commonly caused by disease of the inner ear.
token reinforcement systems: أنظمة التعزيز الرمزية
A system in which students may earn plastic chips,
marbles, "checkmarks" or other tangible items that may be exchanged for activities, food
items, special privileges, or other rewards for positive behavior changes. Also referred to
as a "token economy
tone deafness: طرش نغمة
Inability to distinguish between two sounds of different frequencies
within the normal hearing range when there is no apparent loss of acuity in these frequencies, as is being unable to tell whether oneself or another is singing "off key" or "on key".
tongue retraction: . إعادة جرّ لسان
Strong pulling back of the tongue body into the oral-pharyngeal
space for abnormal stability; the tongue appears thick in contour; reinforces abnormal head and neck hyperextension.
tongue thrust: دفعة لسان
Moving the tongue through the lips when swallowing. Normally
associated with suckling in infants less than 4 months of age. It is a common abnormal feeding pattern; a very forceful protrusion of the tongue from the mouth. This makes it difficult to inset the nipple or spoon and may cause the liquid or food to be pushed out of the mouth.
tonic: المقوّي
The phase of a grand mal seizure that is marked by prolonged muscular
contraction (rigidity).
tonic bite reflex: . ردّ فعل العضة المقوّي
A common abnormal feeding pattern; the jaw moves upward into a tightly clenched posture when the teeth are stimulated by a finger, spoon or other object. This makes it difficult for the child to open his/her mouth.
tonic reflex: . ردّ الفعل المقوّي
A reflex that lasts as long as body maintains a given position
total communication: الإتصال الكليّ
A philosophy requiring the incorporation of appropriate
aural, manual and oral modes of communication to ensure effective communication with and among hearing impaired people. This philosophy encourages the use of all viable methods. Within this system, not all methods are used to the same extent by all people and in all situations.
totally blind: . فاقد البصر كليا
Having no functional vision. This term is used in an educational
context to describe a student with a severe visual impairment in which they learn via braille or other non-visual media.
toxic deafness: الطرش السامّ
Hearing loss resulting from the effect of drugs on the sensory mechanism, due to sensitivity to a drug or to an excessive dosage.
toxin: السمّ
Any substance that acts like a poison.
trachea: . القصبة الهوائية
The windpipe, which leads from the back of the throat to the lungs
transfer of training: نقل تدريب
The process of generalizing behaviors or skills learned in one setting to other settings or circumstances.
transference: الانتقال
The unconscious assignment to others of feelings and attitudes that
were originally associated with important figures (parents, siblings, etc.) in one's early life. The transference relationship follows the pattern of its prototype. The psychiatrist utilizes this phenomenon as a therapeutic tool to help the patient understand emotional
problems and their origins. In the patient-physician relationship, the transference may be
negative (hostile) or positive (affectionate).
transfusion: النقل
A general term referring to the transfer of blood from one person to
transition plan: خطة إنتقال
A designed program outlining the transition of a person from school
to adult life, by identifying the services needed for that specific individual, the activities that must occur during the school years, and the timelines and responsibilities for completion of these activities. In SD, transition planning begins at age 16. See also
"transition services".
transition services: خدمات إنتقال
A coordinated set of activities for a student, designed within an
outcome oriented process, which promotes movement from school to integrated employment (including supported employment), postsecondary education, vocational training, continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, and
community participation.
transverse presentation: . التقديم المستعرض
A situation in which the fetus lies across the birth canal
trauma: الصدمة
A blow or injury. A cause for voice disorders in which the laryngeal
cartilages are fractured or displayed by traumatic injury, and may have to be surgically reconstructed. Although the first priority would obviously be maintenance of the airway,
the voice will also need attention, and therapy will most likely be necessary. The voice from the newly reconstructed larynx will typically be pitched low with a breathy quality.
treatment: المعالجة
An intervention designed to change behaviors or other conditions related
to the child's emotional handicap; and/or helping the individual and his or her family to cope with the handicap.
treatment modality: . قيد معالجة
The method that is used to treat a child; for example, behavior management is one treatment modality and play therapy is another.
tremor: A motion or movement, which occurs in a limb, that is constant, involuntary, and
trial work period (TWP): . فترة عمل محاكمة
A period of time in which a person eligible for SSDI has the opportunity to test sustained work ability. It begins with the month of entitlement;
however, it cannot begin earlier than the month the application is filed. It ends after 9 months (not necessarily consecutive) of work in which the income is over a predetermined
amount per month (or over so many hours per month if self employed) by an SSDI beneficiary. A determination of the ability to perform substantial gainful activity is not made until after the trial work period is completed.
trust: الثقة
A legal entity established either by written agreement signed during the life of the person or by a Will. The trust is governed by the terms in the written document.
trust corpus: مجموعة ثقة
The property (and funds) held in the trust. It is called the trust estate.
trustee: الوصي
A person or an organization designated to control or manage another party's
property as determined through the trust. They have a responsibility for seeing that the funds are properly invested and disbursed according to the wishes of the Trustor and the
laws of the state. The grantor and initial trustee may be the same person.
tube feedings: إطعام الإنبوب
Administration of nutrition through a tube.
tuberous sclerosis: تصلّب أنسجة
A birth defect that does not appear until late childhood, is related to mental retardation in about 66 percent of the cases, and is characterized by tumors on many organs.
tubing: الأنابيب
The plastic material of a specified size that channels and directs sound in hearing aid systems.
typical peer: النظير المثالي
The chronologically aged peers of a child with disabilities who are not
identified as disabled.

ubiquinone يوبيكوينون( مركب شحمي في غشاء المتقدرات)
a coenzyme that acts as an electron transfer agent in the mitochondria of cells.
ulcer قَرْحَة
a break in the skin extending to all its layer, or a break in the mucous membrane lining the alimentary tract that fails to heal and is often accompanied by inflammation.
ulcerative colitis الْتِهابُ القولونِ التَّقَرُّحِيُّ
inflammation and ulceration of the colon and rectum.
ulna الزَّنْد
the inner and longer bone of the forearm.
ulnar artery الشِّرْيانُ الزَّنْدِيُّ العُلْوِيُّ
a branch of the brachial artery arising at the elbow and running deep within the muscles of the medial side of the forearm.
ulnar nerve العَصَبِ الزَّنْدِيّ
one of the major nerves of the arm.
ultrasound معدات ما فوق الصوت و التصوير المقطعي
sound waves of extremely high frequency , inaudible to the human ear.
umbilical cord الحَبْلُ السُّرِّيُّ
the strand of tissue connecting the fetus to the placenta.
unconscious فاقِدُ الوَعْي
describing those mental process of which a person is not aware.
undine مِغْسَالُ العَين
a small rounded container usually made of glass.
unguis ظُفُر
a fingernail or toenail
unicellular وَحيدُ الخَلِيَّة
describing organisms or tissues that consist of a single cell.
the presence of excessive amounts of urea and other nitrogenous waste compounds in the blood.
uraturia بِيلَةٌ يُوراتِيَّة
the presence in the urine of urates.
urea يُورْيا
the main breakdown product of protein metabolism.
ureterectomy قَطْعُ الحالِب
surgical removal of a ureter.
ureterocele قِيْلَةٌ حالِبِيَّة
a cystic swelling of the wall of the ureter at the point where it passes into the bladder.
ureteroplasty رَأْبُ الحالِب
surgical reconstruction of the ureter using a segment of bowel or a tube of bladder.
urethra الإِحْليل
the tube that conducts urine from the bladder to the exterior.
uridrosis تَعَرُّقٌ يُوراتِيّ
the presence of excessive amounts of urea in the sweat.
urination تَبَوُّل
the periodic discharge of urine from the bladder through the urethra.
urocele قيلَةٌ بَولِيَّة
a cyctic swelling in the scrotum containing urine that has escaped from the urethra.
urolith حَصاةٌ بَولِيَّة
a stone in the urinary tract.

vaccinal تلقيحي
Of or relating to vaccine or vaccination.
vaccine لقاح
Matter or a preparation containing the virus of cowpox used to vaccinate a person against smallpox.
vacuolar فجوي
Of or relating to a vacuole.
vacuum فراغ
Emptiness of space.
vagal مبهمي
Of, relating to, mediated by, or being the vagus nerve.
vagina مهبل
A canal in a female mammal that leads from the uterus to the external orifice opening into the vestibule between the labia minora.
vagotomy قطع عصب المبهم
Surgical division of the vagus nerve.
vagotonia توتر عصب المبهم
Excessive excitability of the vagus nerve resulting typically in vasomotor instability, constipation, and sweating.
valetudinarian عاجز
A person of a weak or sickly constitution.

vallate محوط
Having a raised edge surrounding a depression.
valvula صفيق
A small valve or fold.
valvulitis التهاب الصمام
Inflammation of a valve especially of the heart
variation اختلاف
Divergence in one or more characteristics of an organism or biotype from those typical of or usual for its group
variola الجدري
The poxvirus of the genus Orthopoxvirus that is the causative agent of smallpox.
vary يختلف
To exhibit divergence in structural or physiological characters from the typical form.
vasal وعائي
Connected with a vasal or duct of the body.
vasoacive فعال في الأوعية
Causing constriction or dilation of blood vessels.
vasoganglion عقد وعائية
A mass of blood vessels.
vasotropic منحاز وعائي
Tending to act on the blood vessels.
vection نقل
The transference of pathogens from the sick to the healthy by a vector.
vegetal نباتي
Relating to, or characteristic of plants.
vein وريد
Any of the branching blood vessels carrying blood toward the heart.
velum سدل
An anatomical structure resembling a veil or curtain.
vent مخرج
An opening into a cavity or canal, especially one through which contents are discharged.
verge شفير
The extreme edge or margin.
version قلب الوضع
Deflection of an organ, such as the uterus, from its normal position.
vertex قمة
The highest point; the apex.
viable قادر على العيش
Capable of living and developing under favorable conditions.
Relating to, or caused by a virus.
virology مبحث الحمات
The study of viruses and viral diseases.
vital حيوي
Relating to, or characterized by life.
vitelline صفار البيض
Relating to, or associated with the yolk of an egg.
vocal صوتي
Of or relating to the voice.
volt فولت(وحدة الكهربية المحركة)
A unit of electromotive force.
voluntary اختياري
Arising from or acting on one's own free will.
vomit يتقيأ
To eject part or all of the stomach contents through the mouth.
vortex دوامة
A spiral motion of fluid within a limited area.
vulva الفرج
The external genital organs of the female.

رُقَاقَة ٌwafer
ثُؤْلول wart
a horny projection on the skin usually of the extremities produced by proliferation of the skin papillae and caused by any of numerous genotypes of the human papillomavirus.
سَرِيْرٌ مائِي ّ water bed
bed whose mattress is a plastic bag filled with.
واط watt
the absolute mks unit of power equal to the work done at the rate of one joule per second or to the power produced by a current of one ampere across a potential difference of one volt : 1/746 horsepower.
انْتِبار weal
ويبر(وحدة قياس الجريان المغناطيسي) weber
the practical mks unit of magnetic flux equal to that flux which in linking a circuit of one turn produces in it an electromotive force of one volt as the flux is reduced to zero at a uniform rate in one second : 108 maxwells
abnormal growth or a cyst protruding from a surface especially of the skin أَزيز wheeze
to breathe with difficulty usually with a whistling sound.
السَّوْطَاء whipworm
a parasitic nematode worm of the family Trichuridae with a body that is thickened posteriorly and that is very long and slender anteriorly.
كُرَيَّةُ دَمٍ بَيضاء white blood cell
any of the blood cells that are colorless, lack hemoglobin, contain a nucleus, and include the lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils.
داحِسّ whitlow
a deep usually suppurative inflammation of the finger or toe especially near the end or around the nail.
شَهْقَة whoop
to make the characteristic whoop of whooping cough.
اِنْسِحاب withdrawal
a pathological retreat from objective reality.
womb رحم
دُوْدَة worm
any of various relatively small elongated usually naked and soft-bodied parasitic animals.
جُرْح wound
a physical injury to the body consisting of a laceration or breaking of the skin or mucous membrane.
الرُّسُغ wrist
the joint or the region of the joint between the human hand and the arm or a corresponding part on a lower animal.
صَعَر wryneck
a twisting of the neck to one side that results in abnormal carriage of the head and is usually caused by muscle spasms.
Xamoterol: مخدر
a drug that stimulates beta receptors in the heart and used in the treatment of long-term mild heart failure.
Xerosis: الجفاف
abnormal dryness of the conjunctiva, the skin, or the mucous membranes.
X-ray: أشعة اكس
electromagnetic radiation of extremely short wavelength with great
Xylose: سكر
a pentose sugar that is involved in carbohydrate interconversions within cells

yawning تَثاؤُب
a reflex action in which the mouth is opened wide and air is drawn into the lungs then slowly released.
yaws الدَّاءُ العُلَّيقِيّ يوز
a tropical infectious disease caused by the presence of the spirochaete in the skin and its underlying tissues.
yeast خَميرَة
any of a group of fungi in which the body consists of individual cells.
yellow fever الحُمَّى الصَّفْراءُ
an infectious disease caused by an arbovirus occurring in tropical Africa and the northern regions of South America.
yolk مُحّ
a substance rich in protein and fat that laid down within the egg cell as nourishment for the embryo.
yolk sac الكيسُ المُحِّيّ
the memberanous sac composed of mesoderm lined with endoderm that lies ventral to the embryo.

Zein زئين
A protein from Indian corn that lacks lysine and tryptophan.
zeolite زيوليت
Any of various hydrous silicates that can act as ion exchangers.
zero صفر
The arithmetical symbol 0 or Ø denoting the absence of all magnitude or quantity.
zinc زنك
A bluish white crystalline bivalent metallic element of low to intermediate hardness that is an essential micronutrient for both plants and animals.
zona منطقة
An anatomical zone or layer.
zonal منطقي
Of, relating to, affecting, or having the form of a zone.
zonulysis انحلال منطقة زن
The use of enzymes to dissolve the zonule of Zinn in order to facilitate cataract removal.
zoogeography جغرافية الحيوانات
Branch of biogeography concerned with the geographical distribution of animals.
zooglea دابوق حيواني
A mucilaginous mass that is characteristic of the growth of various bacteria when growing in fluid media rich in organic material.
zooid شبه حيواني
One of the asexually produced individuals of a compound organism.
zoology علم الحيوان
A branch of biology that deals with the classification and the properties and vital phenomena of animals.
zoonosis داء حيواني
A disease communicable from animals to humans under natural conditions.
zooparasite طفيلي حيواني
A parasitic animal
zoophagous آكل الحيوانات
Feeding on animals.
zoophilism حب الحيوانات
Attraction to or preference for animals.
zoophyte حيوان نباتي
An invertebrate animal (as a coral or sponge) more or less resembling a plant in appearance or mode of growth.
zoospore بوغ حيواني الحركة
An independently motile spore.
zootomy تشريح الحيوانات
Animal anatomy especially as studied on a comparative basis.
zosteriform نطاقي الشكل
Resembling shingles.
zygapophysis ناتئ مفصلي فقري
Any of the articular processes of the neural arch of a vertebra of which there are usually two anterior and two posterior.
zygomatic متعلق بالعارضة
Of, relating to, constituting, or situated in the region of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic arch.
zygosity الزيجية
The makeup or characteristics of a particular zygote.
zygospore بوغ الاقتران
A plant spore that is formed by union of two similar sexual cells, usually serves as a resting spore.

Concise Medical Dictionary by Elizabeth A. Martin MA.
Hitti's Pocket Medical Dictionary English to Arabic by Yusuf K. Hitti, Ahmad Alkhatib.
The American Heritage, Stedman's Medical Dictionary.


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